Original Short Stories — Volume 06 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 06.

Original Short Stories — Volume 06 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 06.

“You are quite right,” my uncle said; “but all these persons are serving our projects without guessing it.”

I felt inclined to tell him he was talking a pack of nonsense.

It was, however, indeed a sight to see my uncle when he had a Freemason to dinner.

On meeting they shook hands in a manner that was irresistibly funny; one could see that they were going through a series of secret, mysterious signs.

Then my uncle would take his friend into a corner to tell him something important, and at dinner they had a peculiar way of looking at each other, and of drinking to each other, in a manner as if to say:  “We know all about it, don’t we?”

And to think that there are millions on the face of the globe who are amused at such monkey tricks!  I would sooner be a Jesuit.

Now, in our town there really was an old Jesuit who was my uncle’s detestation.  Every time he met him, or if he only saw him at a distance, he used to say:  “Get away, you toad.”  And then, taking my arm, he would whisper to me: 

“See here, that fellow will play me a trick some day or other, I feel sure of it.”

My uncle spoke quite truly, and this was how it happened, and through my fault.

It was close on Holy Week, and my uncle made up his mind to give a dinner on Good Friday, a real dinner, with his favorite chitterlings and black puddings.  I resisted as much as I could, and said: 

“I shall eat meat on that day, but at home, quite by myself.  Your manifestation, as you call it, is an idiotic idea.  Why should you manifest?  What does it matter to you if people do not eat any meat?”

But my uncle would not be persuaded.  He asked three of his friends to dine with him at one of the best restaurants in the town, and as he was going to pay the bill I had certainly, after all, no scruples about manifesting.

At four o’clock we took a conspicuous place in the most frequented restaurant in the town, and my uncle ordered dinner in a loud voice for six o’clock.

We sat down punctually, and at ten o’clock we had not yet finished.  Five of us had drunk eighteen bottles of choice, still wine and four of champagne.  Then my uncle proposed what he was in the habit of calling “the archbishop’s circuit.”  Each man put six small glasses in front of him, each of them filled with a different liqueur, and they had all to be emptied at one gulp, one after another, while one of the waiters counted twenty.  It was very stupid, but my uncle thought it was very suitable to the occasion.

At eleven o’clock he was as drunk as a fly.  So we had to take him home in a cab and put him to bed, and one could easily foresee that his anti-clerical demonstration would end in a terrible fit of indigestion.

As I was going back to my lodgings, being rather drunk myself, with a cheerful drunkenness, a Machiavellian idea struck me which satisfied all my sceptical instincts.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 06 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.