Original Short Stories — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 04.

Original Short Stories — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 04.

“‘But one day, while I was brushing Marius’ Sunday trousers, I found forty cents in his pocket.  Where did he get it?

“’I thought the matter over for about a week, and I noticed that he used to go out; he would leave the house just as I was coming home to go to bed—­yes, monsieur.

“’Then I started to watch him, without the slightest suspicion of the real facts.  One morning, just after I had gone to bed before him, I got right up again, and followed him.  For shadowing a man, there is nobody like me, monsieur.

“’And I caught him, Marius, poaching on your land, monsieur; he my nephew, I your keeper!

“’The blood rushed to my head, and I almost killed him on the spot, I hit him so hard.  Oh! yes, I thrashed him all right.  And I promised him that he would get another beating from my hand, in your presence, as an example.

“’There!  I have grown thin from sorrow.  You know how it is when one is worried like that.  But tell me, what would you have done?  The boy has no father or mother, and I am the last one of his blood; I kept him, I couldn’t drive him out, could I?

“’I told him that if it happened again I would have no more pity for him, all would be over.  There!  Did I do right, monsieur?’

“I answered, holding out my hand: 

“‘You did well, Cavalier; you are an honest man.’

“He rose.

“’Thank you, monsieur.  Now I am going to fetch him.  I must give him his thrashing, as an example.’

“I knew that it was hopeless to try and turn the old man from his idea.  I therefore let him have his own way.

“He got the rascal and brought him back by the ear.

“I was seated on a cane chair, with the solemn expression of a judge.

“Marius seemed to have grown; he was homelier even than the year before, with his evil, sneaking expression.

“His big hands seemed gigantic.

“His uncle pushed him up to me, and, in his soldierly voice, said: 

“‘Beg the gentleman’s pardon.’

“The boy didn’t say a word.

“Then putting one arm round him, the former gendarme lifted him right off the ground, and began to whack him with such force that I rose to stop the blows.

“The boy was now howling:  ‘Mercy! mercy! mercy!  I promise——­’

“Cavalier put him back on the ground and forced him to his knees: 

“‘Beg for pardon,’ he said.

“With eyes lowered, the scamp murmured: 

“‘I ask for pardon!’

“Then his uncle lifted him to his feet, and dismissed him with a cuff which almost knocked him down again.

“He made his escape, and I did not see him again that evening.

“Cavalier appeared overwhelmed.’

“‘He is a bad egg,’ he said.

“And throughout the whole dinner, he kept repeating: 

“‘Oh! that worries me, monsieur, that worries me.’

“I tried to comfort him, but in vain.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.