Original Short Stories — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 01.

Original Short Stories — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 01.

Luc Le Ganidec, more daring than his friend, stammered: 

“Yes, we come here for our rest.”

That was all.  But the following Sunday, on seeing them, she smiled with the kindly smile of a woman who understood their shyness, and she asked: 

“What are you doing here?  Are you watching the grass grow?”

Luc, cheered up, smiled:  “P’raps.”

She continued:  “It’s not growing fast, is it?”

He answered, still laughing:  “Not exactly.”

She went on.  But when she came back with her pail full of milk, she stopped before them and said: 

“Want some?  It will remind you of home.”

She had, perhaps instinctively, guessed and touched the right spot.

Both were moved.  Then not without difficulty, she poured some milk into the bottle in which they had brought their wine.  Luc started to drink, carefully watching lest he should take more than his share.  Then he passed the bottle to Jean.  She stood before them, her hands on her hips, her pail at her feet, enjoying the pleasure that she was giving them.  Then she went on, saying:  “Well, bye-bye until next Sunday!”

For a long time they watched her tall form as it receded in the distance, blending with the background, and finally disappeared.

The following week as they left the barracks, Jean said to Luc: 

“Don’t you think we ought to buy her something good?”

They were sorely perplexed by the problem of choosing something to bring to the dairy maid.  Luc was in favor of bringing her some chitterlings; but Jean, who had a sweet tooth, thought that candy would be the best thing.  He won, and so they went to a grocery to buy two sous’ worth, of red and white candies.

This time they ate more quickly than usual, excited by anticipation.

Jean was the first one to notice her.  “There she is,” he said; and Luc answered:  “Yes, there she is.”

She smiled when she saw them, and cried: 

“Well, how are you to-day?”

They both answered together: 

“All right!  How’s everything with you?”

Then she started to talk of simple things which might interest them; of the weather, of the crops, of her masters.

They didn’t dare to offer their candies, which were slowly melting in Jean’s pocket.  Finally Luc, growing bolder, murmured: 

“We have brought you something.”

She asked:  “Let’s see it.”

Then Jean, blushing to the tips of his ears, reached in his pocket, and drawing out the little paper bag, handed it to her.

She began to eat the little sweet dainties.  The two soldiers sat in front of her, moved and delighted.

At last she went to do her milking, and when she came back she again gave them some milk.

They thought of her all through the week and often spoke of her:  The following Sunday she sat beside them for a longer time.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.