Original Short Stories — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 01.

Original Short Stories — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 173 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 01.

“By Gad!” shouted Loiseau, “I’ll stand champagne all round if there’s any to be found in this place.”  And great was Madame Loiseau’s dismay when the proprietor came back with four bottles in his hands.  They had all suddenly become talkative and merry; a lively joy filled all hearts.  The count seemed to perceive for the first time that Madame Carre-Lamadon was charming; the manufacturer paid compliments to the countess.  The conversation was animated, sprightly, witty, and, although many of the jokes were in the worst possible taste, all the company were amused by them, and none offended—­indignation being dependent, like other emotions, on surroundings.  And the mental atmosphere had gradually become filled with gross imaginings and unclean thoughts.

At dessert even the women indulged in discreetly worded allusions.  Their glances were full of meaning; they had drunk much.  The count, who even in his moments of relaxation preserved a dignified demeanor, hit on a much-appreciated comparison of the condition of things with the termination of a winter spent in the icy solitude of the North Pole and the joy of shipwrecked mariners who at last perceive a southward track opening out before their eyes.

Loiseau, fairly in his element, rose to his feet, holding aloft a glass of champagne.

“I drink to our deliverance!” he shouted.

All stood up, and greeted the toast with acclamation.  Even the two good sisters yielded to the solicitations of the ladies, and consented to moisten their lips with the foaming wine, which they had never before tasted.  They declared it was like effervescent lemonade, but with a pleasanter flavor.

“It is a pity,” said Loiseau, “that we have no piano; we might have had a quadrille.”

Cornudet had not spoken a word or made a movement; he seemed plunged in serious thought, and now and then tugged furiously at his great beard, as if trying to add still further to its length.  At last, toward midnight, when they were about to separate, Loiseau, whose gait was far from steady, suddenly slapped him on the back, saying thickly: 

“You’re not jolly to-night; why are you so silent, old man?”

Cornudet threw back his head, cast one swift and scornful glance over the assemblage, and answered: 

“I tell you all, you have done an infamous thing!”

He rose, reached the door, and repeating:  “Infamous!” disappeared.

A chill fell on all.  Loiseau himself looked foolish and disconcerted for a moment, but soon recovered his aplomb, and, writhing with laughter, exclaimed: 

“Really, you are all too green for anything!”

Pressed for an explanation, he related the “mysteries of the corridor,” whereat his listeners were hugely amused.  The ladies could hardly contain their delight.  The count and Monsieur Carre-Lamadon laughed till they cried.  They could scarcely believe their ears.

“What! you are sure?  He wanted——­”

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.