The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

On the 29th the enemy were visibly converging upon the town.  From a high hill within rifleshot of the houses a watcher could see no fewer than six Boer camps to the east and north.  French, with his cavalry, pushed out feelers, and coasted along the edge of the advancing host.  His report warned White that if he would strike before all the scattered bands were united he must do so at once.  The wounded were sent down to Pietermaritzburg, and it would bear explanation why the non-combatants did not accompany them.  On the evening of the same day Joubert in person was said to be only six miles off, and a party of his men cut the water supply of the town.  The Klip, however, a fair-sized river, runs through Ladysmith, so that there was no danger of thirst.  The British had inflated and sent up a balloon, to the amazement of the back-veld Boers; its report confirmed the fact that the enemy was in force in front of and around them.

On the night of the 29th General White detached two of his best regiments, the Irish Fusiliers and the Gloucesters, with No. 10 Mountain Battery, to advance under cover of the darkness and to seize and hold a long ridge called Nicholson’s Nek, which lay about six miles to the north of Ladysmith.  Having determined to give battle on the next day, his object was to protect his left wing against those Freestaters who were still moving from the north and west, and also to keep a pass open by which his cavalry might pursue the Boer fugitives in case of a British victory.  This small detached column numbered about a thousand men—­whose fate will be afterwards narrated.

At five o’clock on the morning of the 30th the Boers, who had already developed a perfect genius for hauling heavy cannon up the most difficult heights, opened fire from one of the hills which lie to the north of the town.  Before the shot was fired, the forces of the British had already streamed out of Ladysmith to test the strength of the invaders.

White’s army was divided into three columns.  On the extreme left, quite isolated from the others, was the small Nicholson’s Nek detachment under the command of Colonel Carleton of the Fusiliers (one of three gallant brothers each of whom commands a British regiment).  With him was Major Adye of the staff.  On the right British flank Colonel Grimwood commanded a brigade composed of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the King’s Royal Rifles, the Leicesters, the Liverpools, and the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.  In the centre Colonel Ian Hamilton commanded the Devons, the Gordons, the Manchesters, and the 2nd battalion of the Rifle Brigade, which marched direct into the battle from the train which had brought them from Durban.  Six batteries of artillery were massed in the centre under Colonel Downing.  French with the cavalry and mounted infantry was on the extreme right, but found little opportunity for the use of the mounted arm that day.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.