The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

But even so these dour fighters were not beaten.  They clung desperately to the further edges of the plateau, firing from behind the rocks.  There had been a race for the nearest gun between an officer of the Manchesters and a drummer sergeant of the Gordons.  The officer won, and sprang in triumph on to the piece.  Men of all regiments swarmed round yelling and cheering, when upon their astonished ears there sounded the ‘Cease fire’ and then the ‘Retire.’  It was incredible, and yet it pealed out again, unmistakable in its urgency.  With the instinct of discipline the men were slowly falling back.  And then the truth of it came upon the minds of some of them.  The crafty enemy had learned our bugle calls.  ’Retire be damned! shrieked a little bugler, and blew the ‘Advance’ with all the breath that the hillside had left him.  The men, who had retired a hundred yards and uncovered the guns, flooded back over the plateau, and in the Boer camp which lay beneath it a white flag showed that the game was up.  A squadron of the 5th Lancers and of the 5th Dragoon Guards, under Colonel Gore of the latter regiment, had prowled round the base of the hill, and in the fading light they charged through and through the retreating Boers, killing several, and making from twenty to thirty prisoners.  It was one of the very few occasions in the war where the mounted Briton overtook the mounted Boer.

‘What price Majuba?’ was the cry raised by some of the infantry as they dashed up to the enemy’s position, and the action may indeed be said to have been in some respects the converse of that famous fight.  It is true that there were many more British at Elandslaagte than Boers at Majuba, but then the defending force was much more numerous also, and the British had no guns there.  It is true, also, that Majuba is very much more precipitous than Elandslaagte, but then every practical soldier knows that it is easier to defend a moderate glacis than an abrupt slope, which gives cover under its boulders to the attacker while the defender has to crane his head over the edge to look down.  On the whole, this brilliant little action may be said to have restored things to their true proportion, and to have shown that, brave as the Boers undoubtedly are, there is no military feat within their power which is not equally possible to the British soldier.  Talana Hill and Elandslaagte, fought on successive days, were each of them as gallant an exploit as Majuba.

We had more to show for our victory than for the previous one at Dundee.  Two Maxim-Nordenfeld guns, whose efficiency had been painfully evident during the action, were a welcome addition to our artillery.  Two hundred and fifty Boers were killed and wounded and about two hundred taken prisoners, the loss falling most heavily upon the Johannesburgers, the Germans, and the Hollanders.  General Koch, Dr. Coster, Colonel Schiel, Pretorius, and other well-known Transvaalers fell into our hands.  Our own casualty list consisted of 41 killed and 220 wounded, much the same number as at Talana Hill, the heaviest losses falling upon the Gordon Highlanders and the Imperial Light Horse.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.