The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.
spreading out into a line, which from the left wing at Lichtenburg to the right wing at Commando Drift measured a good eighty miles, they proceeded to sweep back upon their traces.  In order to reach their positions the columns had, of course, started at different points of the British blockhouse line, and some had a good deal farther to go than others, while the southern extension of the line was formed by Rochfort’s troops, who had moved up from the Vaal.  Above him from south to north came Walter Kitchener, Rawlinson, and Kekewich in the order named.

On the morning of Monday, March 24th, a line of eighty miles of horsemen, without guns or transport, was sweeping back towards the blockhouses, while the country between was filled with scattered parties of Boers who were seeking for gaps by which to escape.  It was soon learned from the first prisoners that De la Rey was not within the cordon.  His laager had been some distance farther west.  But the sight of fugitive horsemen rising and dipping over the rolling veld assured the British that they had something within their net.  The catch was, however, by no means as complete as might have been desired.  Three hundred men in khaki slipped through between the two columns in the early morning.  Another large party escaped to the southwards.  Some of the Boers adopted extraordinary devices in order to escape from the ever-narrowing cordon.  ’Three, in charge of some cattle, buried themselves, and left a small hole to breathe through with a tube.  Some men began to probe with bayonets in the new-turned earth and got immediate and vociferous subterranean yells.  Another man tried the same game and a horse stepped on him.  He writhed and reared the horse, and practically the horse found the prisoner for us.’  But the operations achieved one result, which must have lifted a load of anxiety from Lord Kitchener’s mind.  Three fifteen-pounders, two pom-poms, and a large amount of ammunition were taken.  To Kekewich and the Scottish Horse fell the honour of the capture, Colonel Wools-Sampson and Captain Rice heading the charge and pursuit.  By this means the constant menace to the blockhouses was lessened, if not entirely removed.  One hundred and seventy-five Boers were disposed of, nearly all as prisoners, and a considerable quantity of transport was captured.  In this operation the troops had averaged from seventy to eighty miles in twenty-six hours without change of horses.  To such a point had the slow-moving ponderous British Army attained after two years’ training of that stern drill-master, necessity.

The operations had attained some success, but nothing commensurate with the daring of the plan or the exertions of the soldiers.  Without an instant’s delay, however, Lord Kitchener struck a second blow at his enemy.  Before the end of March Kekewich, Rawlinson, and Walter Kitchener were all upon the trek once more.  Their operations were pushed farther to the west than in the last drive, since it was known that on that occasion De la Rey and his main commando had been outside the cordon.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.