The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

Leaving these wider questions of politics, and dismissing for the time those military considerations which were soon to be of such vital moment, we may now return to the course of events in the diplomatic struggle between the Government of the Transvaal and the Colonial Office.  On September 8th, as already narrated, a final message was sent to Pretoria, which stated the minimum terms which the British Government could accept as being a fair concession to her subjects in the Transvaal.  A definite answer was demanded, and the nation waited with sombre patience for the reply.

There were few illusions in this country as to the difficulties of a Transvaal war.  It was clearly seen that little honour and immense vexation were in store for us.  The first Boer war still smarted in our minds, and we knew the prowess of the indomitable burghers.  But our people, if gloomy, were none the less resolute, for that national instinct which is beyond the wisdom of statesmen had borne it in upon them that this was no local quarrel, but one upon which the whole existence of the empire hung.  The cohesion of that empire was to be tested.  Men had emptied their glasses to it in time of peace.  Was it a meaningless pouring of wine, or were they ready to pour their hearts’ blood also in time of war?  Had we really founded a series of disconnected nations, with no common sentiment or interest, or was the empire an organic whole, as ready to thrill with one emotion or to harden into one resolve as are the several States of the Union?  That was the question at issue, and much of the future history of the world was at stake upon the answer.

Already there were indications that the colonies appreciated the fact that the contention was no affair of the mother country alone, but that she was upholding the rights of the empire as a whole, and might fairly look to them to support her in any quarrel which might arise from it.  As early as July 11th, Queensland, the fiery and semitropical, had offered a contingent of mounted infantry with machine guns; New Zealand, Western Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia followed in the order named.  Canada, with the strong but more deliberate spirit of the north, was the last to speak, but spoke the more firmly for the delay.  Her citizens were the least concerned of any, for Australians were many in South Africa but Canadians few.  None the less, she cheerfully took her share of the common burden, and grew the readier and the cheerier as that burden came to weigh more heavily.  From all the men of many hues who make up the British Empire, from Hindoo Rajahs, from West African Houssas, from Malay police, from Western Indians, there came offers of service.  But this was to be a white man’s war, and if the British could not work out their own salvation then it were well that empire should pass from such a race.  The magnificent Indian army of 150,000 soldiers, many of them seasoned veterans, was for the same reason left untouched.  England has claimed no credit or consideration for such abstention, but an irresponsible writer may well ask how many of those foreign critics whose respect for our public morality appears to be as limited as their knowledge of our principles and history would have advocated such self denial had their own countries been placed in the same position.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.