The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.
men, were killed or wounded, the whole of their desperate defence being conducted within from thirty to fifty yards of the enemy.  The remainder of the regiment was now retired to successive ridges, each of which was rapidly outflanked by the Boers, whose whole method of conducting their attack was extraordinarily skilful.  Nothing but the excellent discipline of the overmatched troopers prevented the retreat from becoming a rout.  Fortunately, before the pressure became intolerable the 7th Hussars with some artillery came to the rescue, and turned the tide.  The Hussars galloped in with such dash that some of them actually got among the Boers with their swords, but the enemy rapidly fell back and disappeared.

In this very sharp and sanguinary cavalry skirmish the Bays lost eighty killed and wounded out of a total force of 270.  To stand such losses under such circumstances, and to preserve absolute discipline and order, is a fine test of soldierly virtue.  The adjutant, the squadron leaders, and six out of ten officers were killed or wounded.  The Boers lost equally heavily.  Two Prinsloos, one of them a commandant, and three field-cornets were among the slain, with seventy other casualties.  The force under General Alberts was a considerable one, not fewer than six hundred rifles, so that the action at Holspruit is one which adds another name of honour to the battle-roll of the Bays.  It is pleasing to add that in this and the other actions which were fought at the end of the war our wounded met with kindness and consideration from the enemy.

We may now descend to the Orange River Colony and trace the course of those operations which were destined to break the power of De Wet’s commando.  On these we may concentrate our attention, for the marchings and gleanings and snipings of the numerous small columns in the other portions of the colony, although they involved much arduous and useful work, do not claim a particular account.

After the heavy blow which he dealt Firmin’s Yeomanry, De Wet retired, as has been told, into the Langberg, whence he afterwards retreated towards Reitz.  There he was energetically pushed by Elliot’s columns, which had attained such mobility that 150 miles were performed in three days within a single week.  Our rough schoolmasters had taught us our lesson, and the soldiering which accomplished the marches of Bruce Hamilton, Elliot, Rimington, and the other leaders of the end of the war was very far removed from that which is associated with ox-wagons and harmoniums.

Moving rapidly, and covering himself by a succession of rearguard skirmishes, De Wet danced like a will-o’the-wisp in front of and round the British columns.  De Lisle, Fanshawe, Byng, Rimington, Dawkins, and Rawlinson were all snatching at him and finding him just beyond their finger-tips.  The master-mind at Pretoria had, however, thought out a scheme which was worthy of De Wet himself in its ingenuity.  A glance

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.