The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.
and on Lichtenburg, besides many minor affairs.  The latter comprises the operations of Babington and of Cunningham to the west and south-west of Pretoria, those of Methuen still further to the south-west, and the large movement of French in the south-east.  In no direction did the British forces in the field meet with much active resistance.  So long as they moved the gnats did not settle; it was only when quiet that they buzzed about and occasionally stung.

The early days of January 1901 were not fortunate for the British arms, as the check in which Kitchener’s Bodyguard was so roughly handled, near Lindley, was closely followed by a brisk action at Naauwpoort or Zandfontein, near the Magaliesberg, in which De la Rey left his mark upon the Imperial Light Horse.  The Boer commandos, having been driven into the mountains by French and Clements in the latter part of December, were still on the look-out to strike a blow at any British force which might expose itself.  Several mounted columns had been formed to scour the country, one under Kekewich, one under Gordon, and one under Babington.  The two latter, meeting in a mist upon the morning of January 5th, actually turned their rifles upon each other, but fortunately without any casualties resulting.  A more deadly rencontre was, however, awaiting them.

A force of Boers were observed, as the mist cleared, making for a ridge which would command the road along which the convoy and guns were moving.  Two squadrons (B and C) of the Light Horse were instantly detached to seize the point.  They do not appear to have realised that they were in the immediate presence of the enemy, and they imagined that the ground over which they were passing had been already reconnoitred by a troop of the 14th Hussars.  It is true that four scouts were thrown forward, but as both squadrons were cantering there was no time for these to get ahead.  Presently C squadron, which was behind, was ordered to close up upon the left of B squadron, and the 150 horsemen in one long line swept over a low grassy ridge.  Some hundreds of De la Rey’s men were lying in the long grass upon the further side, and their first volley, fired at a fifty-yard range, emptied a score of saddles.  It would have been wiser, if less gallant, to retire at once in the presence of a numerous and invisible enemy, but the survivors were ordered to dismount and return the fire.  This was done, but the hail of bullets was terrific and the casualties were numerous.  Captain Norman, of C squadron, then retired his men, who withdrew in good order.  B squadron having lost Yockney, its brave leader, heard no order, so they held their ground until few of them had escaped the driving sleet of lead.  Many of the men were struck three and four times.  There was no surrender, and the extermination of B company added another laurel, even at a moment of defeat, to the regiment whose reputation was so grimly upheld.  The Boer victors walked in among the litter of stricken men and horses. 

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.