The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The scene which followed has not often been paralleled.  About a hundred and fifty burghers rushed out of the ditches, streaming across the veld upon foot to the spot where their horses had been secreted.  Rifles, pom-poms, and shrapnel played upon them during this terrible race.  ’A black running mob carrying coats, blankets, boots, rifles, &c., was seen to rise as if from nowhere and rush as fast as they could, dropping the various things they carried as they ran.’  One of their survivors has described how awful was that wild blind flight, through a dust-cloud thrown up by the shells.  For a mile the veld was dotted with those who had fallen.  Thirty-six were found dead, thirty were wounded, and thirty more gave themselves up as prisoners.  Some were so demoralised that they rushed into the hospital and surrendered to the British doctor.  The Imperial Light Horse were for some reason slow to charge.  Had they done so at once, many eye-witnesses agree that not a fugitive should have escaped.  On the other hand, the officer in command may have feared that in doing so he might mask the fire of the British guns.

One incident in the action caused some comment at the time.  A small party of Imperial Light Horse, gallantly led by Captain Yockney of B Squadron, came to close quarters with a group of Boers.  Five of the enemy having held up their hands Yockney passed them and pushed on against their comrades.  On this the prisoners seized their rifles once more and fired upon their captors.  A fierce fight ensued with only a few feet between the muzzles of the rifles.  Three Boers were shot dead, five wounded, and eight taken.  Of these eight three were shot next day by order of court-martial for having resumed their weapons after surrender, while two others were acquitted.  The death of these men in cold blood is to be deplored, but it is difficult to see how any rules of civilised warfare can be maintained if a flagrant breach of them is not promptly and sternly punished.

On receiving this severe blow De Wet promptly raised the investment and hastened to regain his favourite haunts.  Considerable reinforcements had reached Barton upon the same day, including the Dublins, the Essex, Strathcona’s Horse, and the Elswick Battery, with some very welcome supplies of ammunition.  As Barton had now more than a thousand mounted men of most excellent quality it is difficult to imagine why he did not pursue his defeated enemy.  He seems to have underrated the effect which he had produced, for instead of instantly assuming the offensive he busied himself in strengthening his defences.  Yet the British losses in the whole operations had not exceeded one hundred, so that there does not appear to have been any reason why the force should be crippled.  As Barton was in direct and constant telegraphic communication with Pretoria, it is possible that he was acting under superior orders in the course which he adopted.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.