The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

At the beginning of August it must be confessed that the general situation in the Transvaal was not reassuring.  Springs near Johannesburg had in some inexplicable way, without fighting, fallen into the hands of the enemy.  Klerksdorp, an important place in the south-west, had also been reoccupied, and a handful of men who garrisoned it had been made prisoners without resistance.  Rustenburg was about to be abandoned, and the British were known to be falling back from Zeerust and Otto’s Hoop, concentrating upon Mafeking.  The sequel proved however, that there was no cause for uneasiness in all this.  Lord Roberts was concentrating his strength upon those objects which were vital, and letting the others drift for a time.  At present the two obviously important things were to hunt down De Wet and to scatter the main Boer army under Botha.  The latter enterprise must wait upon the former, so for a fortnight all operations were in abeyance while the flying columns of the British endeavoured to run down their extremely active and energetic antagonist.

At the end of July De Wet had taken refuge in some exceedingly difficult country near Reitzburg, seven miles south of the Vaal River.  The operations were proceeding vigorously at that time against the main army at Fouriesberg, and sufficient troops could not be spared to attack him, but he was closely observed by Kitchener and Broadwood with a force of cavalry and mounted infantry.  With the surrender of Prinsloo a large army was disengaged, and it was obvious that if De Wet remained where he was he must soon be surrounded.  On the other hand, there was no place of refuge to the south of him.  With great audacity he determined to make a dash for the Transvaal, in the hope of joining hands with De la Rey’s force, or else of making his way across the north of Pretoria, and so reaching Botha’s army.  President Steyn went with him, and a most singular experience it must have been for him to be harried like a mad dog through the country in which he had once been an honoured guest.  De Wet’s force was exceedingly mobile, each man having a led horse, and the ammunition being carried in light Cape carts.

In the first week of August the British began to thicken round his lurking-place, and De Wet knew that it was time for him to go.  He made a great show of fortifying a position, but it was only a ruse to deceive those who watched him.  Travelling as lightly as possible, he made a dash on August 7th at the drift which bears his own name, and so won his way across the Vaal River, Kitchener thundering at his heels with his cavalry and mounted infantry.  Methuen’s force was at that time at Potchefstroom, and instant orders had been sent to him to block the drifts upon the northern side.  It was found as he approached the river that the vanguard of the enemy was already across and that it was holding the spurs of the hills which would cover the crossing of their comrades.  By the dash of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and the exertions

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.