The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.
of the sacrifice.  Our loss in this affair was between fifty and sixty killed and wounded.  The Boers were unable to get rid of the stores, and they were eventually distributed among the local farmers and recovered again as the British forces flowed over the country.  Another small disaster occurred to us on the preceding day in the loss of fifty men of E company of Kitchener’s Horse, which had been left as a guard to a well in the desert.

But great events were coming to obscure those small checks which are incidental to a war carried out over immense distances against a mobile and enterprising enemy.  Cronje had suddenly become aware of the net which was closing round him.  To the dark fierce man who had striven so hard to make his line of kopjes impregnable it must have been a bitter thing to abandon his trenches and his rifle pits.  But he was crafty as well as tenacious, and he had the Boer horror of being cut off—­an hereditary instinct from fathers who had fought on horseback against enemies on foot.  If at any time during the last ten weeks Methuen had contained him in front with a thin line of riflemen with machine guns, and had thrown the rest of his force on Jacobsdal and the east, he would probably have attained the same result.  Now at the rumour of English upon his flank Cronje instantly abandoned his position and his plans, in order to restore those communications with Bloemfontein upon which he depended for his supplies.  With furious speed he drew in his right wing, and then, one huge mass of horsemen, guns, and wagons, he swept through the gap between the rear of the British cavalry bound for Kimberley and the head of the British infantry at Klip Drift.  There was just room to pass, and at it he dashed with the furious energy of a wild beast rushing from a trap.  A portion of his force with his heavy guns had gone north round Kimberley to Warrenton; many of the Freestaters also had slipped away and returned to their farms.  The remainder, numbering about six thousand men, the majority of whom were Transvaalers, swept through between the British forces.

This movement was carried out on the night of February 15th, and had it been a little quicker it might have been concluded before we were aware of it.  But the lumbering wagons impeded it, and on the Friday morning, February 16th, a huge rolling cloud of dust on the northern veld, moving from west to east, told our outposts at Klip Drift that Cronje’s army had almost slipped through our fingers.  Lord Kitchener, who was in command at Klip Drift at the moment, instantly unleashed his mounted infantry in direct pursuit, while Knox’s brigade sped along the northern bank of the river to cling on to the right haunch of the retreating column.  Cronje’s men had made a night march of thirty miles from Magersfontein, and the wagon bullocks were exhausted.  It was impossible, without an absolute abandonment of his guns and stores, for him to get away from his pursuers.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.