The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

The Great Boer War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 793 pages of information about The Great Boer War.

There remained, however, several points in his favour.  His excellent infantry were full of zeal and of confidence in their chief.  It cannot be denied, however much we may criticise some incidents in his campaign, that he possessed the gift of impressing and encouraging his followers, and, in spite of Colenso, the sight of his square figure and heavy impassive face conveyed an assurance of ultimate victory to those around him.  In artillery he was very much stronger than before, especially in weight of metal.  His cavalry was still weak in proportion to his other arms.  When at last he moved out on January 10th to attempt to outflank the Boers, he took with him nineteen thousand infantry, three thousand cavalry, and sixty guns, which included six howitzers capable of throwing a 50-pound lyddite shell, and ten long-range naval pieces.  Barton’s Brigade and other troops were left behind to hold the base and line of communications.

An analysis of Buller’s force shows that its details were as follows:—­

   Clery’s Division. 
      Hildyard’s Brigade.
      2nd West Surrey.
      2nd Devonshire.
      2nd West Yorkshire.
      2nd East Surrey. 
   Hart’s Brigade.
      1st Inniskilling Fusiliers.
      1st Border Regiment.
      1st Connaught Rangers.
      2nd Dublin Fusiliers. 
   Field Artillery, three batteries, 19th, 28th, 63rd; one squadron
      13th Hussars; Royal Engineers.

   Warren’s Division. 
      Lyttelton’s Brigade.
      2nd Cameronians.
      3rd King’s Royal Rifles.
      1st Durham Light Infantry.
      1st Rifle Brigade. 
      Woodgate’s Brigade.
      2nd Royal Lancaster.
      2nd Lancashire Fusiliers.
      1st South Lancashire. 
      York and Lancasters. 
   Field Artillery, three batteries, 7th, 78th, 73rd; one squadron
      13th Hussars.

   Corps Troops. 
      Coke’s Brigade. 
      Imperial Light Infantry.
      2nd Somersets.
      2nd Dorsets.
      2nd Middlesex.
   61st Howitzer Battery; two 4.7 naval guns; eight naval 12-pounder guns;
      one squadron 13th Hussars; Royal Engineers.

      1st Royal Dragoons.
      14th Hussars. 
      Four squadrons South African Horse. 
      One squadron Imperial Light Horse. 
      Bethune’s Mounted Infantry. 
      Thorneycroft’s Mounted Infantry. 
      One squadron Natal Carabineers. 
      One squadron Natal Police. 
      One company King’s Royal Rifles Mounted Infantry. 
      Six machine guns.

This is the force whose operations I shall attempt to describe.

About sixteen miles to the westward of Colenso there is a ford over the Tugela River which is called Potgieter’s Drift.  General Buller’s apparent plan was to seize this, together with the ferry which runs at this point, and so to throw himself upon the right flank of the Colenso Boers.  Once over the river there is one formidable line of hills to cross, but if this were passed there would be comparatively easy ground until the Ladysmith hills were reached.  With high hopes Buller and his men sallied out upon their adventure.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Boer War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.