Desperate Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Desperate Remedies.

Desperate Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Desperate Remedies.

‘There, never mind,’ said Cytherea decisively.  ’Go on without me—­I shall wait for him.’

’Well, ‘tis a very awkward thing to leave you here all alone,’ said the captain.  ‘I certainly advise you not to wait.’

‘He’s gone across to the railway station, for certain,’ said another passenger.

‘No—­here he is!’ Cytherea said, regarding, as she spoke, the half hidden figure of a man who was seen advancing at a headlong pace down the ravine which lay between the heath and the shore.

‘He can’t get here in less than five minutes,’ a passenger said.  ‘People should know what they are about, and keep time.  Really, if—­’

‘You see, sir,’ said the captain, in an apologetic undertone, ’since ’tis her brother, and she’s all alone, ’tis only nater to wait a minute, now he’s in sight.  Suppose, now, you were a young woman, as might be, and had a brother, like this one, and you stood of an evening upon this here wild lonely shore, like her, why you’d want us to wait, too, wouldn’t you, sir?  I think you would.’

The person so hastily approaching had been lost to view during this remark by reason of a hollow in the ground, and the projecting cliff immediately at hand covered the path in its rise.  His footsteps were now heard striking sharply upon the flinty road at a distance of about twenty or thirty yards, but still behind the escarpment.  To save time, Cytherea prepared to ascend the plank.

‘Let me give you my hand, miss,’ said Captain Jacobs.

‘No—­please don’t touch me,’ said she, ascending cautiously by sliding one foot forward two or three inches, bringing up the other behind it, and so on alternately—­her lips compressed by concentration on the feat, her eyes glued to the plank, her hand to the rope, and her immediate thought to the fact of the distressing narrowness of her footing.  Steps now shook the lower end of the board, and in an instant were up to her heels with a bound.

‘O, Owen, I am so glad you are come!’ she said without turning.  ’Don’t, don’t shake the plank or touch me, whatever you do. . . .  There, I am up.  Where have you been so long?’ she continued, in a lower tone, turning round to him as she reached the top.

Raising her eyes from her feet, which, standing on the firm deck, demanded her attention no longer, she acquired perceptions of the new-comer in the following order:  unknown trousers; unknown waistcoat; unknown face.  The man was not her brother, but a total stranger.

Off went the plank; the paddles started, stopped, backed, pattered in confusion, then revolved decisively, and the boat passed out into deep water.

One or two persons had said, ‘How d’ye do, Mr. Springrove?’ and looked at Cytherea, to see how she bore her disappointment.  Her ears had but just caught the name of the head draughtsman, when she saw him advancing directly to address her.

‘Miss Graye, I believe?’ he said, lifting his hat.

Project Gutenberg
Desperate Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.