The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

I reached the cafe a moment after him.  We took breakfast together and he payed.  We then went out and walked towards the Etoile.  When we got to a sheltered place he drew a bundle of a hundred louis from his pocket, gave it to me with the greatest courtesy, and said that one stroke of the sword would be sufficient.  I could not reply.

He went off four paces and drew his sword.  I did the same without saying a word, and stepping forward almost as soon as our blades crossed I thrust and hit him.  I drew back my sword and summoned him to keep his word, feeling sure that I had wounded him in his chest.

He gently kissed his sword, and putting his hand into his breast he drew it out covered with blood, and said pleasantly to me, “I am satisfied.”

I said to him all that I could, and all that it was my duty to say in the way of compliment, while he was stanching the blood with his handkerchief, and on looking at the point of my sword I was delighted to find that the wound was of the slightest.  I told him so offering to see him home.  He thanked me and begged me to keep my own counsel, and to reckon him henceforth amongst my truest friends.  After I had embraced him, mingling my tears with my embraces, I returned home, sad at heart but having learnt a most useful lesson.  No one ever knew of our meeting, and a week afterwards we supped together at Camille’s.

A few days after, I received from M. de la Ville the five hundred louis for my Dunkirk mission.  On my going to see Camille she told me that Tour d’Auvergne was kept in bed by an attack of sciatica, and that if I liked we could pay him a visit the next day.  I agreed, and we went.  After breakfast was over I told him in a serious voice that if he would give me a free hand I could cure him, as he was not suffering from sciatica but from a moist and windy humour which I could disperse my means of the Talisman of Solomon and five mystic words.  He began to laugh, but told me to do what I liked.

“Very good, then I will go out and buy a brush.”

“I will send a servant.”

“No, I must get it myself, as I want some drugs as well.”  I bought some nitre, mercury, flower of sulphur, and a small brush, and on my return said, “I must have a little of your——­, this liquid is indispensable, and it must be quite fresh.”

Camille and he began to laugh, but I succeeded in keeping the serious face suitable to my office.  I handed him a mug and modestly lowered the curtains, and he then did what I wanted.

I made a mixture of the various ingredients, and I told Camille that she must rub his thigh whilst I spoke the charm, but I warned her that if she laughed while she was about it it would spoil all.  This threat only increased their good humour, and they laughed without cessation; for as soon as they thought they had got over it, they would look at one another, and after repressing themselves as long as they could

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.