The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

Laura, whom I had not seen since she had given me her daughter, asked for no time to think it over, but full of glee told me that now her daughter would be able to soothe her declining years, and that she would leave Muran of which she was tired.  She shewed me a hundred and thirty sequins which Tonine had gained in my service, and which she had placed in her hands.

Barberine, Tonine’s younger sister, came to kiss my hand.  I thought her charming, and I gave her all the silver in my pocket.  I then left, telling Laura that I should expect her at my house.  She soon followed me, and gave her child a mother’s blessing, telling her that she and her family could go and live in Venice for sixty sous a day.  Tonine embraced her, and told her that she should have it.

This important affair having been managed to everybody’s satisfaction, I went to see M——­ M——­, who came into the parlour with C——­ C——­, whom I found looking sad, though prettier than ever.  She was melancholy, but none the less tender.  She could not stay for more than a quarter of an hour for fear of being seen, as she was forbidden ever to go into the parlour.  I told M. M. the story of Tonine, who was going to live with Murray in Venice; she was sorry to hear it, “for,” said she, “now that you have no longer any attraction at Muran, I shall see you less than ever.”  I promised to come and see her often, but vain promises!  The time was near which parted us for ever.

The same evening I went to tell the good news to my friend Murray.  He was in a transport of joy, and begged me to come and sup with him at his casino the day after next, and to bring the girl with me, that the surrender might be made in form.  I did not fail him, for once the matter was decided, I longed to bring it to an end.  In my presence he assigned to her the yearly income for her life of two hundred Venetian ducats, and by a second deed he gave her all the contents of the house with which he was going to provide her, provided always that she lived with him for a year.  He allowed her to receive me as a friend, also to receive her mother and sisters, and she was free to go and see them when she would.  Tonine threw her arms about his neck, and assured him that she would endeavour to please him to the utmost of her ability.  “I will see him,” said she, pointing to me, “but as his friend he shall have nothing more from me.”  Throughout this truly affecting scene she kept back her tears, but I could not conceal mine.  Murray was happy, but I was not long a witness of his good fortune, the reason of which I will explain a little later.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.