The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The next day, having gone early to the casino, I found the ambassador already there, and he welcomed me in the most friendly manner.  He told me that, if he had known me in Paris he would have introduced me at the court, where I should certainly have made my fortune.  Now, when I think of that, I say to myself, “That might have been the case, but of what good would it have been to me?” Perhaps I should have fallen a victim of the Revolution, like so many others.  M. de Bernis himself would have been one of those victims if Fate had not allowed him to die in Rome in 1794.  He died there unhappy, although wealthy, unless his feelings had undergone a complete change before his death, and I do not believe it.

I asked him whether he liked Venice, and he answered that he could not do otherwise than like that city, in which he enjoyed excellent health, and in which, with plenty of money, life could be enjoyed better than anywhere else.

“But I do not expect,” he added, “to be allowed to keep this embassy very long.  Be kind enough to let that remain between us.  I do not wish to make M——­ M——­ unhappy.”

We were conversing in all confidence when M——­ M——­ arrived with her young friend, who showed her surprise at seeing another man with me, but I encouraged her by the most tender welcome; and she recovered all her composure when she saw the delight of the stranger at being answered by her in good French.  It gave us both an opportunity of paying the warmest compliments to the mistress who had taught her so well.

C——­ C——­ was truly charming; her looks, bright and modest at the same time, seemed to say to me, “You must belong to me:”  I wished to see her shine before our friends; and I contrived to conquer a cowardly feeling of jealousy which, in spite of myself, was beginning to get hold of me.  I took care to make her talk on such subjects as I knew to be familiar to her.  I developed her natural intelligence, and had the satisfaction of seeing her admired.

Applauded, flattered, animated by the satisfaction she could read in my eyes, C——­ C——­ appeared a prodigy to M. de Bernis, and, oh! what a contradiction of the human heart!  I was pleased, yet I trembled lest he should fall in love with her!  What an enigma!  I was intent myself upon a work which would have caused me to murder any man who dared to undertake it.

During the supper, which was worthy of a king, the ambassador treated C——­ C——­ with the most delicate attentions.  Wit, cheerfulness, decent manners, attended our delightful party, and did not expel the gaiety and the merry jests with which a Frenchman knows how to season every conversation.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.