The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“Immediately after you had gone away in that fearful storm which caused me such anguish, and just as I was preparing to return to the convent, I was much surprised to see standing before me my dear M——­ M——­, who from some hiding-place had heard all you had said.  She had several times been on the point of shewing herself, but she had always been prevented by the fear of coming out of season, and thus stopping a reconciliation which she thought was inevitable between two fond lovers.  Unfortunately, sleep had conquered her before your departure, and she only woke when the alarum struck, too late to detain you, for you had rushed with the haste of a man who is flying from some terrible danger.  As soon as I saw her, I gave her the key, although I did not know what it meant, and my friend, heaving a deep sigh, told me that she would explain everything as soon as we were safe in her room.  We left the casino in a dreadful storm, trembling for your safety, and not thinking of our own danger.  As soon as we were in the convent I resumed my usual costume, and M——­ M——­ went to bed.  I took a seat near her, and this is what she told me.  ’When you left your ring in my hands to go to your aunt, who had sent for you, I examined it with so much attention that at last I suspected the small blue spot to be connected with the secret spring; I took a pin, succeeded in removing the top part, and I cannot express the joy I felt when I saw that we both loved the same man, but no more can I give you an idea of my sorrow when I thought that I was encroaching upon your rights.  Delighted, however, with my discovery, I immediately conceived a plan which would procure you the pleasure of supping with him.  I closed the ring again and returned it to you, telling you at the same time that I had not been able to discover anything.  I was then truly the happiest of women.  Knowing your heart, knowing that you were aware of the love of your lover for me, since I had innocently shewed you his portrait, and happy in the idea that you were not jealous of me, I would have despised myself if I had entertained any feelings different from your own, the more so that your rights over him were by far stronger than mine.  As for the mysterious manner in which you always kept from me the name of your husband, I easily guessed that you were only obeying his orders, and I admired your noble sentiments and the goodness of your heart.  In my opinion your lover was afraid of losing us both, if we found out that neither the one nor the other of us possessed his whole heart.  I could not express my deep sorrow when I thought that, after you had seen me in possession of his portrait, you continued to act in the same manner towards me, although you could not any longer hope to be the sole object of his love.  Then I had but one idea; to prove to both of you that M——­ M——­ is worthy of your affection, of your friendship, of your esteem.  I was indeed thoroughly happy when I thought that the felicity of

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.