The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

Her only answer was to come and kiss me tenderly.  I had spoken the truth, yet I had not told her all my reasons for being so pensive.  I found myself drawn into an engagement which was not disagreeable to me, but I wished it had not been so very pressing.  I could not conceal from myself that repentance was beginning to creep into my amorous and well-disposed mind, and I was grieved at it.  I felt certain, however, that the charming girl would never have any cause to reproach me for her misery.

We had the whole evening before us, and as she had told me that she had never gone to a theatre, I resolved on affording her that pleasure.  I sent for a Jew from whom I procured everything necessary to disguise her, and we went to the theatre.  A man in love enjoys no pleasure but that which he gives to the woman he loves.  After the performance was over, I took her to the Casino, and her astonishment made me laugh when she saw for the first time a faro bank.  I had not money enough to play myself, but I had more than enough to amuse her and to let her play a reasonable game.  I gave her ten sequins, and explained what she had to do.  She did not even know the cards, yet in less than an hour she had won one hundred sequins.  I made her leave off playing, and we returned to the inn.  When we were in our room, I told her to see how much money she had, and when I assured her that all that gold belonged to her, she thought it was a dream.

“Oh! what will my uncle say?” she exclaimed.

We had a light supper, and spent a delightful night, taking good care to part by day-break, so as not to be caught in the same bed by the worthy ecclesiastic.  He arrived early and found us sleeping soundly in our respective beds.  He woke me, and I gave him the ring which he went to pledge immediately.  When he returned two hours later, he saw us dressed and talking quietly near the fire.  As soon as he came in, Christine rushed to embrace him, and she shewed him all the gold she had in her possession.  What a pleasant surprise for the good old priest!  He did not know how to express his wonder!  He thanked God for what he called a miracle, and he concluded by saying that we were made to insure each other’s happiness.

The time to part had come.  I promised to pay them a visit in the first days of Lent, but on condition that on my arrival in P——­ I would not find anyone informed of my name or of my concerns.  The curate gave me the certificate of birth of his niece and the account of her possessions.  As soon as they had gone I took my departure for Venice, full of love for the charming girl, and determined on keeping my engagement with her.  I knew how easy it would be for me to convince my three friends that my marriage had been irrevocably written in the great book of fate.

My return caused the greatest joy to the three excellent men, because, not being accustomed to see me three days absent, M. Dandolo and M. Barbaro were afraid of some accident having befallen me; but M. de Bragadin’s faith was stronger, and he allayed their fears, saying to them that, with Paralis watching over me, I could not be in any danger.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.