The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“I was unfortunate enough,” she continued, “to inspire him with love, and he postponed his departure.  He remained one month in C——­, never going out but in the evening, and spending every night under my windows conversing with me.  He swore a thousand times that he adored me, that his intentions were honourable.  I entreated him to present himself to my parents to ask me in marriage, but he always excused himself by alleging some reason, good or bad, assuring me that he could not be happy unless I shewed him entire confidence.  He would beg of me to make up my mind to run away with him, unknown to everybody, promising that my honour should not suffer from such a step, because, three days after my departure, everybody should receive notice of my being his wife, and he assured me that he would bring me back on a visit to my native place shortly after our marriage.  Alas, sir! what shall I say now?  Love blinded me; I fell into the abyss; I believed him; I agreed to everything.  He gave me the paper which you have read, and the following night I allowed him to come into my room through the window under which he was in the habit of conversing with me.

“I consented to be guilty of a crime which I believed would be atoned for within three days, and he left me, promising that the next night he would be again under my window, ready to receive me in his arms.  Could I possibly entertain any doubt after the fearful crime I had committed for him?  I prepared a small parcel, and waited for his coming, but in vain.  Oh! what a cruel long night it was!  In the morning I heard that the monster had gone away with his servant one hour after sealing my shame.  You may imagine my despair!  I adopted the only plan that despair could suggest, and that, of course, was not the right one.  One hour before midnight I left my father’s roof, alone, thus completing my dishonour, but resolved on death, if the man who has cruelly robbed me of my most precious treasure, and whom a natural instinct told me I could find here, does not restore me the honour which he alone can give me back.  I walked all night and nearly the whole day, without taking any food, until I got into the barge, which brought me here in twenty-four hours.  I travelled in the boat with five men and two women, but no one saw my face or heard my voice, I kept constantly sitting down in a corner, holding my head down, half asleep, and with this prayer-book in my hands.  I was left alone, no one spoke to me, and I thanked God for it.  When I landed on the wharf, you did not give me time to think how I could find out the dwelling of my perfidious seducer, but you may imagine the impression produced upon me by the sudden apparition of a masked man who, abruptly, and as if placed there purposely by Providence, offered me his services; it seemed to me that you had guessed my distress, and, far from experiencing any repugnance, I felt that I was acting rightly in trusting myself in your hands, in spite of all prudence which, perhaps, ought to have made me turn a deaf ear to your words, and refuse the invitation to enter alone with you the house to which you took me.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.