The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.
one of them was calling earnestly upon some saint, but not one single prayer to God did I hear.  The bewailings of scaramouch, the dull and spiritless despair of Fastidio, offered a picture which would have made me laugh heartily if the danger had been imaginary and not real.  Marina alone was cheerful and happy, because she did not realize the danger we were running, and she laughed at the terror of the crew and of her companions.

A strong breeze sprang up towards evening, so I ordered them to clap on all sail and scud before the wind, even if it should get stronger.  In order to escape the pirate, I had made up my mind to cross the gulf.  We took the wind through the night, and in the morning we were eighty miles from Corfu, which I determined to reach by rowing.  We were in the middle of the gulf, and the sailors were worn out with fatigue, but I had no longer any fear.  A gale began to blow from the north, and in less than an hour it was blowing so hard that we were compelled to sail close to the wind in a fearful manner.  The felucca looked every moment as if it must capsize.  Every one looked terrified but kept complete silence, for I had enjoined it on penalty of death.  In spite of our dangerous position, I could not help laughing when I heard the sobs of the cowardly scaramouch.  The helmsman was a man of great nerve, and the gale being steady I felt we would reach Corfu without mishap.  At day-break we sighted the town, and at nine in the morning we landed at Mandrachia.  Everybody was surprised to see us arrive that way.

As soon as my company was landed, the young officers naturally came to inspect the actresses, but they did not find them very desirable, with the exception of Marina, who received uncomplainingly the news that I could not renew my acquaintance with her.  I felt certain that she would not lack admirers.  But my actresses, who had appeared ugly at the landing, produced a very different effect on the stage, and particularly the pantaloon’s wife.  M. Duodo, commander of a man-of-war, called upon her, and, finding master pantaloon intolerant on the subject of his better-half, gave him a few blows with his cane.  Fastidio informed me the next day that the pantaloon and his wife refused to perform any more, but I made them alter their mind by giving them a benefit night.

The pantaloon’s wife was much applauded, but she felt insulted because, in the midst of the applause, the pit called out, “Bravo, Duodo!” She presented herself to the general in his own box, in which I was generally, and complained of the manner in which she was treated.  The general promised her, in my name, another benefit night for the close of the carnival, and I was of course compelled to ratify his promise.  The fact is, that, to satisfy the greedy actors, I abandoned to my comedians, one by one, the seventeen nights I had reserved for myself.  The benefit I gave to Marina was at the special request of Madame F——­, who had taken her into great favour since she had had the honour of breakfasting alone with M. D——­ R——­ in a villa outside of the city.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.