The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

20th March 1784.  “I see that you will print one of your books; you say that you will send me two hundred copies which I can sell at thirty sous each; that you will tell Zaguri and that he will advise those who wish copies to apply to me . . .”

This book was the Lettre historico-critique sur un fait connu dependant d’une cause peu connue, adressee au duc de * * *, 1784.

3rd April 1784.  “I see with pleasure that you have gone to amuse yourself in company with two ladies and that you have traveled five posts to see the Emperor [Joseph ii] . . . .  You say that your fortune consists of one sequin . . . .  I hope that you obtained permission to print your book, that you will send me the two hundred copies, and that I may be able to sell them. . . .”

14th April 1784.  “You say that a man without money is the image of death, that he is a very wretched animal.  I learn with regret that I am unlikely to see you at the approaching Festival of the Ascension . . . that you hope to see me once more before dying . . . .  You make me laugh, telling me that at Vienna a balloon was made which arose in the air with six persons and that it might be that you would go up also.”

28th April 1784.  “I see, to my lively regret, that you have been in bed with your usual ailment [hemorrhoids].  But I am pleased to know that you are better.  You certainly should go to the baths . . . .  I have been discouraged in seeing that you have not come to Venice because you have no money ....  P. S. Just at this moment I have received a good letter, enclosing a bill of exchange, which I will go and have paid . . . .”

5th May 1784.  “I went to the house of M. Francesco Manenti, at S. Polo di Campo, with my bill of exchange, and he gave me at once eighteen pieces of ten lires each . . . .  I figure that you made fun of me saying seriously that you will go up in a balloon and that, if the wind is favorable, you will go in the air to Trieste and then from Trieste to Venice.”

19th May 1784.  “I see, to my great regret, that you are in poor health and still short of money ....  You say that you need twenty sequins and that you have only twenty trari . . . .  I hope that your book is printed. . . .”

29th May 1784.  “I note with pleasure that you are going to take the baths; but I regret that this treatment enfeebles and depresses you.  It reassures me that you do not fail in your appetite nor your sleep....  I hope I will not hear you say again that you are disgusted with everything, and no longer in love with life . . . .  I see that for you, at this moment, fortune sleeps . . . .  I am not surprised that everything is so dear in the city where you are, for at Venice also one pays dearly and everything is priced beyond reach.”

Zaguri wrote Casanova the 12th May, that he had met Francesca in the Mongolfieri casino.  And on the 2nd June Casanova, doubtless feeling his helplessness in the matter of money, and the insufficiency of his occasional remittances, and suspicious of Francesca’s loyalty, wrote her a letter of renunciation.  Then came her news of the sale of his books; and eighteen months passed before he wrote to her again.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.