The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

We went to breakfast with the marquis, who was delighted to see us.  He was quite well, except the gout which prevented his walking.

After breakfast we heard mass, and I saw about twenty servants in the chapel.  After the service I kept the marquis company till dinner-time.  He said I was very good to sacrifice the company of the ladies for his sake.

After dinner we set out for his country house; I in a carriage with the two ladies, and the marquis in a litter borne by two mules.

In an hour and a half we arrived at his fine and well-situated castle.

The first thing the marchioness did was to take me into the garden, where my ardour returned and she once more abandoned herself to me.

We agreed that I should only go to her room to court Anastasia, as it was necessary to avoid the slightest suspicion.

This fancy of mine for his wife’s maid amused the marquis, for his wife kept him well posted in the progress of our intrigue.

Donna Lucrezia approved of the arrangement as she did not want the marquis to think that I had only come to Salerno for her sake.  My apartments were next to Leonilda’s, but before I could get into her room I should be obliged to pass through that occupied by Anastasia, who slept with another maid still prettier than herself.

The marquis came an hour later, and he said he would get his people to carry him in an arm-chair round the gardens, so that he might point out their beauties to me.  After supper he felt tired and went to bed, leaving me to entertain the ladies.

After a few moments’ conversation, I led the marchioness to her room, and she said I had better go to my own apartment through the maids’ room, telling Anastasia to shew me the way.

Politeness obliged me to shew myself sensible of such a favour, and I said I hoped she would not be so harsh as to lock her door upon me.

“I shall lock my door,” said she, “because it is my duty to do so.  This room is my mistress’s closet, and my companion would probably make some remark if I left the door open contrary to my usual custom.”

“Your reasons are too good for me to overcome, but will you not sit down beside me for a few minutes and help me to recollect how I used to tease you?”

“I don’t want you to recollect anything about it; please let me go.”

“You must please yourself,” said I; and after embracing her and giving her a kiss, I wished her good night.

My servant came in as she went out, and I told him that I would sleep by myself for the future.

The next day the marchioness laughingly repeated the whole of my conversation with Anastasia.

“I applauded her virtuous resistance, but I said she might safely assist at your toilette every evening.”

Leonilda gave the marquis a full account of my talk with Anastasia.  The old man thought I was really in love with her, and had her in to supper for my sake, so I was in common decency bound to play the lover.  Anastasia was highly pleased at my preferring her to her charming mistress, and at the latter’s complaisance towards our love-making.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.