The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

I never had so pleasant an idea before.  I was quite proud of it, and I should have despised myself if I had failed to carry it into effect.  It would be my vengeance on the duke, who could not have forgotten the terrible letter I had written him; for princes do not forget small injuries as they forget great services.

I slept badly the following night, my anxiety was so great, and I reached Louisburg and gave my name at the town gates, without the addition of my pretended office, for my jest must be matured by degrees.  I went to stay at the posting-inn, and just as I was asking for the address of Madame Toscani, she and her husband appeared on the scene.  They both flung their arms around my neck, and overwhelmed me with compliments on my wounded arm and the victory I had achieved.

“What victory?”

“Your appearance here has filled the hearts of all your friends with joy.”

“Well, I certainly am in the duke’s service, but how did you find it out?”

“It’s the common talk.  The courier who gave you the letter has spread it all abroad, and the officer who was present and arrived here yesterday morning confirmed it.  But you cannot imagine the consternation of your three foes.  However, we are afraid that you will have some trouble with them, as they have kept your letter of defiance given from Furstenberg.”

“Why didn’t they meet me, then?”

“Two of them could not go, and the third arrived too late.”

“Very good.  If the duke has no objection I shall be happy to meet them one after another, not three all at once.  Of course, the duel must be with pistols; a sword duel is out of the question with my arm in a sling.”

“We will speak of that again.  My daughter wants to make peace before the duke comes, and you had better consent to arrangements, for there are three of them, and it isn’t likely that you could kill the whole three one after the other.”

“Your daughter must have grown into a beauty.”

“You must stop with us this evening; you will see her, for she is no longer the duke’s mistress.  She is going to get married.”

“If your daughter can bring about an arrangement I would gladly fall in with it, provided it is an honourable one for me.”

“How is it that you are wearing the sling after all these months?”

“I am quite cured, and yet my arm swells as soon as I let it swing loose.  You shall see it after dinner, for you must dine with me if you want me to sup with you.”

Next came Vestri, whom I did not know, accompanied by my beloved Baletti.  With them was an officer who was in love with Madame Toscani’s second daughter, and another of their circle, with whom I was also unacquainted.  They all came to congratulate me on my honourable position in the duke’s service.  Baletti was quite overcome with delight.  The reader will recollect that he was my chief assistant in my escape from Stuttgart, and that I was once going to

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.