The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“Strictly speaking, no doubt you are in the right; but I am sure you are too polite not to give way, when I assure you that you will lay me under a great obligation by doing so.  Very often the first shot is a miss, and if that is the case with both of us, I promise to fight with swords as long as you like.  Will you oblige me in the matter?”

“Yes, for I like your way of asking, though, in my opinion, a pistol duel is a barbarous affair.  I accept, but on the following conditions:  You must bring two pistols, charge them in my presence, and give me the choice.  If the first shot is a miss, we will fight with swords till the first blood or to the death, whichever you prefer.  Call for me at three o’clock, and choose some place where we shall be secure from the law.”

“Very good.  You are a good fellow, allow me to embrace you.  Give me your word of honour not to say a word about it to anyone, for if you did we should be arrested immediately.”

“You need not be afraid of my talking; the project is too dear to me.”

“Good.  Farewell till three o’clock.”

As soon as the brave braggart had left me, I placed the papers I was doing for the king apart, and went to Campioni, in whom I had great confidence.

“Take this packet to the king,” I said, “if I happen to be killed.  You may guess, perhaps, what is going to happen, but do not say a word to anyone, or you will have me for your bitterest enemy, as it would mean loss of honour to me.”

“I understand.  You may reckon on my discretion, and I hope the affair may be ended honourably and prosperously for you.  But take a piece of friendly advice—­don’t spare your opponent, were it the king himself, for it might cost you your life.  I know that by experience.”

“I will not forget.  Farewell.”

We kissed each other, and I ordered an excellent dinner, for I had no mind to be sent to Pluto fasting.  Campioni came in to dinner at one o’clock, and at dessert I had a visit from two young counts, with their tutor, Bertrand, a kindly Swiss.  They were witnesses to my cheerfulness and the excellent appetite with which I ate.  At half-past two I dismissed my company, and stood at the window to be ready to go down directly Branicki’s carriage appeared.  He drove up in a travelling carriage and six; two grooms, leading saddle-horses, went in front, followed by his two aide-de-camps and two hussars.  Behind his carriage stood four servants.  I hastened to descend, and found my enemy was accompanied by a lieutenant-general and an armed footman.  The door was opened, the general gave me his place, and I ordered my servants not to follow me but to await my orders at the house.

“You might want them,” said Branicki; “they had better come along.”

“If I had as many as you, I would certainly agree to your proposition; but as it is I shall do still better without any at all.  If need be, your excellency will see that I am tended by your own servants.”

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.