The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

This, then, was the key to the mystery, and it made me lose myself in wonder at the strangeness of the decrees of fortune.  I should not have been able to get a single crown at Mitau if it had not been for the way in which I scattered my three remaining ducats.  No doubt the astonished girl had published my generosity all over the town, and the Jew, intent on money-making, had hastened to offer his ducats to the rich nobleman who thought so little of his money.

I repaired to Court at the time appointed, and M. de Kaiserling immediately presented me to the duchess, and she to the duke, who was the celebrated Biron, or Birlen, the former favourite of Anna Ivanovna.  He was six feet in height, and still preserved some traces of having been a fine man, but old age had laid its heavy hand on him.  I had a long talk with him the day after the ball.

A quarter of an hour after my arrival, the ball began with a polonaise.  I was a stranger with introductions, so the duchess asked me to open the ball with her.  I did not know the dance, but I managed to acquit myself honourably in it, as the steps are simple and lend themselves to the fancy of the dancer.

After the polonaise we danced minuets, and a somewhat elderly lady asked me if I could dance the “King Conqueror,” so I proceeded to execute it with her.  It had gone out of fashion since the time of the Regency, but my companion may have shone in it in those days.  All the younger ladies stood round and watched us with admiration.

After a square dance, in which I had as partner Mdlle. de Manteufel, the prettiest of the duchess’s maids of honour, her highness told me that supper was ready.  I came up to her and offered my arm, and presently found myself seated beside her at a table laid for twelve where I was the only gentleman.  However, the reader need not envy me; the ladies were all elderly dowagers, who had long lost the power of turning men’s heads.  The duchess took the greatest care of my comforts, and at the end of the repast gave me with her own hands a glass of liqueur, which I took for Tokay and praised accordingly, but it turned out to be only old English ale.  I took her back to the ball when we rose from table.  The young chamberlain who had invited me told me the names of all the ladies present, but I had no time to pay my court to any of them.

The next day I dined with M. de Kaiserling, and handed Lambert over to a Jew to be clothed properly.

The day after I dined with the duke with a party consisting only of men.  The old prince made me do most of the talking, and towards the end of the dinner the conversation fell upon the resources of the country which was rich in minerals and semi-minerals.  I took it into my head to say that these resources ought to be developed, and that they would become precious if that were done.  To justify this remark I had to speak upon the matter as if I had made it my principal study.  An old chamberlain, who had the control of the mines, after allowing me to exhaust my enthusiasm, began to discuss the question himself, made divers objections, but seemed to approve of many of my remarks.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.