The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

In spite of the fire which had been raging through my veins ever since the excursion to Testaccio, I had not seen my Lucrezia for four days.  I dreaded Father Georgi’s suave manner, and I was still more afraid of finding he had made up his mind to give me no more advice.  But, unable to resist my desires, I called upon Lucrezia after my French lesson, and found her alone, sad and dispirited.

“Ah!” she exclaimed, as soon as I was by her side, “I think you might find time to come and see me!”

“My beloved one, it is not that I cannot find time, but I am so jealous of my love that I would rather die than let it be known publicly.  I have been thinking of inviting you all to dine with me at Frascati.  I will send you a phaeton, and I trust that some lucky accident will smile upon our love.”

“Oh! yes, do, dearest!  I am sure your invitation will be accepted:” 

In a quarter of an hour the rest of the family came in, and I proffered my invitation for the following Sunday, which happened to be the Festival of St. Ursula, patroness of Lucrezia’s youngest sister.  I begged Donna Cecilia to bring her as well as her son.  My proposal being readily accepted, I gave notice that the phaeton would be at Donna Cecilia’s door at seven o’clock, and that I would come myself with a carriage for two persons.

The next day I went to M. Dalacqua, and, after my lesson, I saw Barbara who, passing from one room to another, dropped a paper and earnestly looked at me.  I felt bound to pick it up, because a servant, who was at hand, might have seen it and taken it.  It was a letter, enclosing another addressed to her lover.  The note for me ran thus:  “If you think it to be a sin to deliver the enclosed to your friend, burn it.  Have pity on an unfortunate girl, and be discreet.”

The enclosed letter which was unsealed, ran as follows:  “If you love me as deeply as ’I love you, you cannot hope to be happy without me; we cannot correspond in any other way than the one I am bold enough to adopt.  I am ready to do anything to unite our lives until death.  Consider and decide.”

The cruel situation of the poor girl moved me almost to tears; yet I determined to return her letter the next day, and I enclosed it in a note in which I begged her to excuse me if I could not render her the service she required at my hands.  I put it in my pocket ready for delivery.  The next day I went for my lesson as usual, but, not seeing Barbara, I had no opportunity of returning her letter, and postponed its delivery to the following day.  Unfortunately, just after I had returned to my room, the unhappy lover made his appearance.  His eyes were red from weeping, his voice hoarse; he drew such a vivid picture of his misery, that, dreading some mad action counselled by despair, I could not withhold from him the consolation which I knew it was in my power to give.  This was my first error in this fatal business; I was the victim of my own kindness.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.