The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“There are five kinds of love known to man,” said M. Querini.  “The love of one’s neighbour, the love of God, which is beyond compare, the highest of all, love matrimonial, the love of house and home, and the love of self, which ought to come last of all, though many place it in the first rank.”

The nobleman commented briefly on these diverse kinds of love, but when he came to the love of God he began to soar, and I was greatly astonished to see Marcoline shedding tears, which she wiped away hastily as if to hide them from the sight of the worthy old man whom wine had made more theological than usual.  Feigning to be enthusiastic, Marcoline took his hand and kissed it, while he in his vain exaltation drew her towards him and kissed her on the brow, saying, “Poveretta, you are an angel!”

At this incident, in which there was more love of our neighbour than love of God, we all bit our lips to prevent ourselves bursting out laughing, and the sly little puss pretended to be extremely moved.

I never knew Marcoline’s capacities till then, for she confessed that her emotion was wholly fictitious, and designed to win the old man’s good graces; and that if she had followed her own inclinations she would have laughed heartily.  She was designed to act a part either upon the stage or on a throne.  Chance had ordained that she should be born of the people, and her education had been neglected; but if she had been properly tutored she would have been fit for anything.

Before returning home we were warmly invited to dinner the next day.

As we wanted to be together, we did not go to the theatre that day and when we got home I did not wait for Marcoline to undress to cover her with kisses.

“Dear heart,” said I, “you have not shewn me all your perfections till now, when we are about to part; you make me regret you are going back to Venice.  Today you won all hearts.”

“Keep me then, with you, and I will ever be as I have been to-day.  By the way, did you see my uncle?”

“I think so.  Was it not he who was in continual attendance?”

“Yes.  I recognized him by his ring.  Did he look, at me?”

“All the time, and with an air of the greatest astonishment.  I avoided catching his eye, which roved from you to me continually.”

“I should like to know what the good man thinks!  You will see him again to-morrow.  I am sure he will have told M. Querini that, I am his niece, and consequently not yours.

“I expect so, too.”

“And if M. Querini says as much to me to-morrow, I, expect I shall have to, admit the fact.  What do you think?”

“You must undoubtedly tell him the truth, but frankly and openly, and so as not to let him think that you have need of him to return to Venice.  He is not your father, and has no right over your liberty.”

“Certainly not.”

“Very good.  You must also agree that I am not your uncle, and that the bond between us is, of the most tender description.  Will, there be any difficulty is that?”

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.