The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

Thereupon the marchioness began to argue in the most sensible manner, but unfortunately the foundation of her argument was wholly chimerical.

“Marry me,” said she; “you will then be able to be governor of the child, who will be your son.  In this manner you will keep all my property for me, including what I shall have from my brother M. de Pontcarre, who is old and cannot live much longer.  If you do not care for me in February next, when I shall be born again, into what hands shall I fall!  I shall be called a bastard, and my income of twenty-four thousand francs will be lost to me.  Think over it, dear Galtinardus.  I must tell you that I feel already as if I were a man.  I confess I am in love with the Undine, and I should like to know whether I shall be able to sleep with her in fourteen or fifteen years time.  I shall be so if Oromasis will it, and then I shall be happy indeed.  What a charming creature she is?  Have you ever seen a woman like her?  What a pity she is dumb!”

“She, no doubt, has a male water-spirit for a lover.  But all of them are dumb, since it is impossible to speak in the water.  I wonder she is not deaf as well.  I can’t think why you didn’t touch her.  The softness of her skin is something wonderful—­velvet and satin are not to be compared to it!  And then her breath is so sweet!  How delighted I should be if I could converse with such an exquisite being.”

“Dear Galtinardus, I beg you will consult the oracle to find out where I am to be brought to bed, and if you won’t marry me I think I had better save all I have that I may have some provision when I am born again, for when I am born I shall know nothing, and money will be wanted to educate me.  By selling the whole a large sum might be realized which could be put out at interest.  Thus the interest would suffice without the capital being touched.”

“The oracle must be our guide,” said I.  “You will be my son, and I will never allow anyone to call you a bastard.”

The sublime madwoman was quiet by this assurance.

Doubtless many a reader will say that if I had been an honest man I should have undeceived her, but I cannot agree with them; it would have been impossible, and I confess that even if it had been possible I would not have done so, for it would only have made me unhappy.

I had told Marcoline to dress with elegance, and I put on one of my handsomest suits to accompany her to the theatre.  Chance brought the two sisters Rangoni, daughters of the Roman consul, into our box.  As I had made their acquaintance on my first visit to Marseilles, I introduced Marcoline to them as my niece, who only spoke Italian.  As the two young ladies spoke the tongue of Tasso also, Marcoline was highly delighted.  The younger sister, who was by far the handsomer of the two, afterwards became the wife of Prince Gonzaga Solferino.  The prince was a cultured man, and even a genius, but very poor.  For all that he was a true son of Gonzaga, being a son of Leopold, who was also poor, and a girl of the Medini family, sister to the Medini who died in prison at London in the year 1787.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.