The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

With this letter in my hand I went to the traitor who had been lanced an hour before.

“You’re an infamous traitor,” I began, “but as Madame d’Urfe knows of the disgraceful state you are in she would not so much as read your letter.  I have read it, and by way of reward I give you two alternatives which you must decide on immediately.  I am in a hurry.  You will either go to the hospital—­for we can’t have pestiferous fellows like you here—­or start for Lyons in an hour.  You must not stop on the way, for I have only given you sixty hours, which is ample to do forty posts in.  As soon as you get to Lyons present this to M. Bono, and he will give you a hundred louis.  This is a present from me, and afterwards I don’t care what you do, as you are no longer in my service.  You can have the carriage I bought for you at Antibes, and there is twenty-five louis for the journey:  that is all.  Make your choice, but I warn you that if you go to the hospital I shall only give you a month’s wages, as I dismiss you from my service now at this instant.”

After a moment’s reflection he said he would go to Lyons, though it would be at the risk of his life, for he was very ill.

“You must reap the reward of your treachery,” said I, “and if you die it will be a good thing for your family, who will come in for what I have given you, but not what I should have given you if you had been a faithful servant.”

I then left him and told Clairmont to pack up his trunk.  I warned the inn-keeper of his departure and told him to get the post horses ready as soon as possible.

I then gave Clairmont the letter to Bono and twenty-five Louis, for him to hand them over to Possano when he was in the carriage and ready to go off.

When I had thus successfully accomplished my designs by means of the all-powerful lever, gold, which I knew how to lavish in time of need, I was once more free for my amours.  I wanted to instruct the fair Marcoline, with whom I grew more in love every day.  She kept telling me that her happiness would be complete if she knew French, and if she had the slightest hope that I would take her to England with me.

I had never flattered her that my love would go as far as that, but yet I could not help feeling sad at the thought of parting from a being who seemed made to taste voluptuous pleasures, and to communicate them with tenfold intensity to the man of her choice.  She was delighted to hear that I had got rid of my two odious companions, and begged me to take her to the theatre, “for,” said she, “everybody is asking who and what I am, and my landlord’s niece is quite angry with me because I will not let her tell the truth”

I promised I would take her out in the course of the next week, but that for the present I had a most important affair on hand, in which I had need of her assistance.

“I will do whatever you wish, dearest.”

“Very good! then listen to me.  I will get you a disguise which will make you look like a smart footman, and in that costume you will call on the marchioness with whom I live, at the hour I shall name to you, and you will give her a note.  Have you sufficient courage for that?”

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.