The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“I thought I was giving it to my sister.  ’Tis the kiss that Amaryllis gave to Mistillo.”

“It comes to the same thing.  The kiss has produced its effects, and Iolas is young again.”

“Dear Eleanore, you have gone too far, for we love each other, and I was dreaming of him.”

“No, no,” said her sister, “Iolas is dressed.  Look!”

So saying, the little wanton with a swift movement uncovered me, but at the same time she uncovered her sister, and Clementine with a little scream veiled the charms which my eyes had devoured for a moment.  I had seen all, but as one sees lightning.  I had seen the cornice and the frieze of the altar of love.

Eleanore then went out, and I remained gazing at the treasure I desired but did not dare to seize.  At last I broke the silence.

“Dearest Hebe,” said I, “you are certainly fairer than the cupbearer of the gods.  I have just seen what must have been seen when Hebe was falling, and if I had been Jupiter I should have changed my mind.”

“Sardini told me that Jupiter drove Hebe away, and now I ought to drive Jupiter away out of revenge.”

“Yes; but, my angel, I am Iolas, and not Jupiter.  I adore you, and I seek to quench the desires which torture me.”

“This is a trick between you and Eleanore.”

“My dearest, it was all pure chance.  I thought I should find you dressed, and I went in to wish you good day.  You were asleep and your sister was dressing.  I gazed at you, and Eleanore suggested that I should lie down beside you to enjoy your astonishment when you awoke.  I ought to be grateful to her for a pleasure which has turned out so pleasantly.  But the beauties she discovered to me surpass all the ideas I had formed on the subject.  My charming Hebe will not refuse to pardon me.”

“No, since all is the effect of chance.  But it is curious that when one loves passionately one always feels inquisitive concerning the person of the beloved object.”

“It is a very natural feeling, dearest.  Love itself is a kind of curiosity, if it be lawful to put curiosity in the rank of the passions; but you have not that feeling about me?”

“No, for fear you might disappoint me, for I love you, and I want everything to speak in your favour.”

“I know you might be disappointed, and consequently I must do everything in my power to preserve your good opinion.”

“Then you are satisfied with me?”

“Surely.  I am a good architect, and I think you are grandly built.”

“Stay, Iolas, do not touch me; it is enough that you have seen me.”

“Alas! it is by touching that one rectifies the mistakes of the eyes; one judges thus of smoothness and solidity.  Let me kiss these two fair sources of life.  I prefer them to the hundred breasts of Cybele, and I am not jealous of Athys.”

“You are wrong there; Sardini told me that it was Diana of Ephesus who had the hundred breasts.”

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.