The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

I was much interested during the dessert by the evident tenderness of the pastor for Helen’s mother.  His amorous eloquence grew in strength as he irrigated his throat with champagne, Greek wine, and eastern liqueurs.  The lady seemed pleased, and was a match for him as far as drinking was concerned, while the two girls and myself only drank with sobriety.  However, the mixture of wines, and above all the punch, had done their work, and my charmers were slightly elevated.  Their spirits were delightful, but rather pronounced.

I took this favourable opportunity to ask the two aged lovers if I might take the young ladies for a walk in the garden by the lake, and they told us enthusiastically to go and enjoy ourselves.  We went out arm in arm, and in a few minutes we were out of sight of everyone.

“Do you know,” said I to Hedvig, “that you have made a conquest of M. Tronchin?”

“Have I?  The worthy banker asked me some very silly questions.”

“You must not expect everyone to be able to contend with you.”

“I can’t help telling you that your question pleased me best of all.  A bigoted theologian at the end of the table seemed scandalized at the question and still more at the answer.”

“And why?”

“He says I ought to have told you that a deity could not impregnate a woman.  He said that he would explain the reason to me if I were a man, but being a woman and a maid he could not with propriety expound such mysteries.  I wish you would tell me what the fool meant.”

“I should be very glad, but you must allow me to speak plainly, and I shall have to take for granted that you are acquainted with the physical conformation of a man.”

“Yes, speak as plainly as you like, for there is nobody to hear what we say; but I must confess that I am only acquainted with the peculiarities of the male by theory and reading.  I have no practical knowledge.  I have seen statues, but I have never seen or examined a real live man.  Have you, Helen?”

“I have never wished to do so.”

“Why not?  It is good to know everything.”

“Well, Hedvig, your theologian meant to say that a god was not capable of this.”

“What is that?”

“Give me your hand.”

“I can feel it, and have thought it would be something like that; without this provision of nature man would not be able to fecundate his mate.  And how could the foolish theologian maintain that this was an imperfection?”

“Because it is the result of desire, Hedvig, and it would not have taken place in me if I had not been charmed with you, and if I had not conceived the most seducing ideas of the beauties that I cannot see from the view of the beauties I can see.  Tell me frankly whether feeling that did not give you an agreeable sensation.”

“It did, and just in the place where your hand is now.  Don’t you feel a pleasant tickling there, Helen, after what the gentleman has been saying to us?”

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.