The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“M. de Nesle, an officer in the French Guards, who had a pretty wife I had met in the country, went to your brother’s to call on me.  Not finding me there he asked why we did not live together.  Your brother replied openly that our marriage had been a mere jest.  M. de Nesle then came to me to enquire if this were the truth, and when he heard that it was he asked me how I would like him to make Casanova marry me.  I answered that I should be delighted, and that was enough for him.  He went again to your brother, and told him that his wife would never have associated with me on equal terms if I had not been introduced to her as a married woman; that the deceit was an insult to all the company at the country-house, which must be wiped out by his marrying me within the week or by fighting a duel.  M. de Nesle added that if he fell he would be avenged by all the gentlemen who had been offended in the same way.  Casanova replied, laughing, that so far from fighting to escape marrying me, he was ready to break a lance to get me.  ‘I love her,’ he said, ’and if she loves me I am quite ready to give her my hand.  Be kind enough,’ he added, ’to prepare the way for me, and I will marry her whenever you like.’

“M. de Nesle embraced him, and promised to see to everything; he brought me the joyful news, and in a week all was over.  M. de Nesle gave us a splendid supper on our wedding-day, and since then I have had the title of his wife.  It is an empty title, however, for, despite the ceremony and the fatal yes, I am no wife, for your brother is completely impotent.  I am an unhappy wretch, and it is all his fault, for he ought to have known his own condition.  He has deceived me horribly.”

“But he was obliged to act as he did; he is more to be pitied than to be blamed.  I also pity you, but I think you are in the wrong, for after his sleeping with you for a month without giving any proof of his manhood you might have guessed the truth.  Even if you had been a perfect novice, M. de Sauci ought to have known what was the matter; he must be aware that it is beyond the power of man to sleep beside a pretty woman, and to press her naked body to his breast without becoming, in spite of himself, in a state which would admit of no concealment; that is, in case he were not impotent.”

“All that seems very reasonable, but nevertheless neither of us thought of it; your brother looks such a Hercules.”

“There are two remedies open to you; you can either have your marriage annulled, or you can take a lover; and I am sure that my brother is too reasonable a man to offer any opposition to the latter course.”

“I am perfectly free, but I can neither avail myself of a divorce nor of a lover; for the wretch treats me so kindly that I love him more and more, which doubtless makes my misfortune harder to bear.”

The poor woman was so unhappy that I should have been delighted to console her, but it was out of the question.  However, the mere telling of her story had afforded her some solace, and after kissing her in such a way as to convince her that I was not like my brother, I wished her good night.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.