The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

I seized the opportunity of telling Madame Morin that I was astonished at the likeness, that her very voice was like that of my Venetian M——­ M——­, and I begged her to obtain me the privilege of breakfasting with her niece the next day, and of presenting her with a dozen pounds of capital chocolate.  I had brought it with me from Genoa.

“You must make her the present yourself,” said Madame Morin, “for though she’s a nun she’s a woman, and we women much prefer a present from a man’s than from a woman’s hand.”

M——­ M——­ returned with the superior of the convent, two other nuns, and the young boarder, who came from Lyons, and was exquisitely beautiful.  I was obliged to talk to all the nuns, and Madame Morin told her niece that I wanted her to try some excellent chocolate I had brought from Genoa, but that I hoped her lay-sister would make it.

“Sir,” said M——­ M——­, “kindly send me the chocolate, and to-morrow we will breakfast together with these dear sisters.”

As soon as I got back to my inn I sent the chocolate with a respectful note, and I took supper in Madame Morin’s room with her daughter and Mdlle.  Desarmoises, of whom I was feeling more and more amorous, but I talked of M——­ M——­ all the time, and I could see that the aunt suspected that the pretty nun was not altogether a stranger to me.

I breakfasted at the convent and I remember that the chocolate, the biscuits, and the sweetmeats were served with a nicety which savoured somewhat of the world.  When we had finished breakfast I told M——­ M——­ that she would not find it so easy to give me a dinner, with twelve persons sitting down to table, but I added that half the company could be in the convent and half in the parlour, separated from the convent by a light grating.

“It’s a sight I should like to see,” said I, “if you will allow me to pay all expenses.”

“Certainly,” replied M——­ M——­, and this dinner was fixed for the next day.

M——­ M——­ took charge of the whole thing, and promised to ask six nuns.  Madame Morin, who knew my tastes, told her to spare nothing, and I warned her that I would send in the necessary wines.

I escorted Madame Morin, her daughter, and Mdlle.  Desarmoises back to the hotel, and I then called on M. Magnan, to whom I had been recommended by the Chevalier Raiberti.  I asked him to get me some of the best wine, and he took me down to his cellar, and told me to take what I liked.  His wines proved to be admirable.

This M. Magnan was a clever man, of a pleasant appearance, and very comfortably off.  He occupied an extremely large and convenient house outside the town, and there his agreeable wife dispensed hospitality.  She had ten children, amongst whom there were four pretty daughters; the eldest, who was nineteen, was especially good-looking.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.