The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“I or my sister, for she will get up early.”

“Your sister!  No, my dear; she would be afraid of giving me too much pleasure by touching me so near.”

“And I am only afraid of hurting you.  Is that right?  Good heavens! what a state your skin is in!”

“You have not finished yet.”

“I am so short-sighted; turn round.”

“With pleasure.  Here I am.”

The little wanton could not resist laughing at what she saw, doubtless, for the first time.  She was obliged to touch it to continue rubbing the ointment in, and I saw that she liked it, as she touched it when she had no need, and not being able to stand it any longer I took hold of her hand and made her stop her work in favour of a pleasanter employment.

When she had finished I burst out laughing to hear her ask, in the most serious way, the pot of ointment still in her left hand,

“Did I do it right!”

“Oh, admirably, dear Annette!  You are an angel, and I am sure you know what pleasure you gave me.  Can you come and spend an hour with me?”

“Wait a bit.”

She went out and shut the door, and I waited for her to return; but my patience being exhausted I opened the door slightly, and saw her undressing and getting into bed with her sister.  I went back to my room and to bed again, without losing all hope.  I was not disappointed, for in five minutes back she came, clad in her chemise and walking on tip-toe.

“Come to my arms, my love; it is very cold.”

“Here I am.  My sister is asleep and suspects nothing; and even if she awoke the bed is so large that she would not notice my absence.”

“You are a divine creature, and I love you with all my heart.”

“So much the better.  I give myself up to you; do what you like with me, on the condition that you think of my sister no more.”

“That will not cost me much.  I promise that I will not think of her.”

I found Annette a perfect neophyte, and though I saw no blood on the altar of love next morning I did not suspect her on that account.  I have often seen such cases, and I know by experience that the effusion of blood or its absence proves nothing.  As a general rule a girl cannot be convicted of having had a lover unless she be with child.

I spent two hours of delight with this pretty baby, for she was so small, so delicate, and so daintily shaped all over, that I can find no better name for her.  Her docility did not detract from the piquancy of the pleasure, for she was voluptuously inclined.

When I rose in the morning she came to my room with Veronique, and I was glad to see that while the younger sister was radiant with happiness the elder looked pleasant and as if she desired to make herself agreeable.  I asked her how she was, and she told me that diet and sleep had completely cured her.  “I have always found them the best remedy for a headache.”  Annette had also cured me of the curiosity I had felt about her.  I congratulated myself on my achievement.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.