The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“I have resolved,” said Rosalie to the marquis, “to go into the convent to-morrow, and I shall be very glad to have a short visit from you the day after.”

“I will be there,” said the marquis, “and you may be sure that I will do all in my power to make your stay agreeable.”

The night was a sad one for both of us.  Love scarcely made a pause amidst our alternate complaints and consolations.  We swore to be faithful for ever, and our oaths were sincere, as ardent lovers’ oaths always are.  But they are as nought unless they are sealed by destiny, and that no mortal mind may know.

Rosalie, whose eyes were red and wet with tears, spent most of the morning in packing up with Veronique, who cried too.  I could not look at her, as I felt angry with myself for thinking how pretty she was.  Rosalie would only take two hundred sequins, telling me that if she wanted more she could easily let me know.

She told Veronique to look after me well for the two or three days I should spend at Genoa, made me a mute curtsy, and went out with Costa to get a sedan-chair.  Two hours after, a servant of the marquis’s came to fetch her belongings, and I was thus left alone and full of grief till the marquis came and asked me to give him supper, advising that Veronique should be asked in to keep us company.

“That’s a rare girl,” said he, “you really don’t know her, and you ought to know her better.”

Although I was rather surprised, I did not stop to consider what the motives of the crafty Genoese might be, and I went and asked Veronique to come in.  She replied politely that she would do so, adding that she knew how great an honour I did her.

I should have been the blindest of men if I had not seen that the clever marquis had succeeded in his well-laid plans, and that he had duped me as if I had been the merest freshman.  Although I hoped with all my heart that I should get Rosalie back again, I had good reasons for suspecting that all the marquis’s wit would be employed to seduce her, and I could not help thinking that he would succeed.

Nevertheless, in the position I was in, I could only keep my fears to myself and let him do his utmost.

He was nearly sixty, a thorough disciple of Epicurus, a heavy player, rich, eloquent, a master of state-craft, highly popular at Genoa, and well acquainted with the hearts of men, and still more so with the hearts of women.  He had spent a good deal of time at Venice to be more at liberty, and to enjoy the pleasures of life at his ease.  He had never married, and when asked the reason would reply that he knew too well that women would be either tyrants or slaves, and that he did not want to be a tyrant to any woman, nor to be under any woman’s orders.  He found some way of returning to his beloved Venice, in spite of the law forbidding any noble who has filled the office of doge to leave his native soil.  Though he behaved to me in a very friendly manner he knew

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.