The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“She thereupon took me to the lady, who was delighted to see me, and still more delighted when I told her that I had never had anything to do with a man.  I have repented of this lie bitterly enough, for in the week I spent at that profligate woman’s house I have had to endure the most humiliating insults that an honest girl ever suffered.  No sooner did the men who came to the house hear that I was a maid than they longed to slake their brutal lust upon me, offering me gold if I would submit to their caresses.  I refused and was reviled, but that was not all.  Five or six times every day I was obliged to remain a witness of the disgusting scenes enacted between my mistress and her customers, who, when I was compelled to light them about the house at night, overwhelmed me with insults, because I would not do them a disgusting service for a twelve-sous piece.  I could not bear this sort of life much longer, and I was thinking of drowning myself.  When you came you treated me so ignominiously that my resolve to die was strengthened, but you were so kind and polite as you went away that I fell in love with you directly, thinking that Providence must have sent you to snatch me away from the abyss.  I thought your fine presence might calm my mother and persuade her to take me back till my lover came to marry me.  I was undeceived, and I saw that she took me for a prostitute.  Now, if you like, I am altogether yours, and I renounce my lover of whom I am no longer worthy.  Take me as your maid, I will love you and you only; I will submit myself to you and do whatever you bid me.”

Whether it were weakness or virtue on my part, this tale of woe and a mother’s too great severity drew tears from my eyes, and when she saw my emotion she wept profusely, for her heart was in need of some relief.

“I think, my poor Rosalie, you have only one chemise.”

“Alas! that is all.”

Comfort yourself, my dear; all your wants shall be supplied tomorrow, and in the evening you shall sup with me in my room on the second floor.  I will take care of you.”

“You pity me, then?”

“I fancy there is more love than pity in it.”

“Would to God it were so!”

This “would to God,” which came from the very depths of her soul, sent me away in a merry mood.  The servant who had been waiting for me for two hours, and was looking rather glum, relaxed when she saw the colour of a crown which I gave her by way of atonement.

“Tell your master,” said I, “that Rosalie will sup with me to-morrow; let us have a fasting dinner, but let it be a good one.”

I returned to my inn quite in love with Rosalie, and I congratulated myself on having at last heard a true tale from a pretty mouth.  She appeared to me so well disposed that her small failing seemed to make her shine the more.  I resolved never to abandon her, and I did so in all sincerity; was I not in love?

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.