The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

After a brief silence I told her all that had taken place between the fair Venetian and myself.  I painted our amorous combats in a lively and natural manner, for, besides my recollections, I had her living picture before my eyes, and I could follow on her features the various emotions aroused by my recital.  When I had finished she said,

“But is your M——­ M——­ really so like me, that you mistook me for her?”

Drawing from my pocket-book the portrait in which M——­ M——­ was dressed as a nun, I gave it to her, saying,

“Judge for yourself.”

“She really is; it might pass for my portrait.  It is my dress and my face; it is wonderful.  To this likeness I owe all my good fortune.  Thanks be to God that you do not love me as you loved her, whom I am glad to call my sister.  There are indeed two M——­ M——­ s.  Mighty Providence, all Thy least ways are wonderful, and we are at best poor, weak, ignorant mortals.”

The worthy country-woman came up and have us a still better supper than on the previous night.  The invalid only ate soup, but she promised to do better by the following evening.

I spent an hour with her after supper, and I convinced her by my reserve that she had made a mistake in thinking that I only loved her as a daughter.  Of her own accord she shewed me that her breast had regained its usual condition.  I assured myself of the fact by my sense of touch, to which she made no opposition, not thinking that I could be moved by such a trifle.  All the kisses which I lavished on her lips and eyes she put down to the friendship for her.  She said, smiling, that she thanked God she was not fair like her sister, and I smiled myself at her simplicity.

But I could not keep up this sort of thing for long, and I had to be extremely careful.  As soon as I felt that passion was getting the upper hand, I gave her a farewell kiss and went away.  When I got home Le Duc gave me a note from Madame Zeroli, who said she would expect me at the fountain, as she was going to breakfast with the marquis’s mistress.

I slept well, but in my dreams I saw again and again the face of the new M——­ M——.  Next day, as soon as I got to the fountain, Madame Zeroli told me that all the company maintained that I ought to have lost in playing on thirteen cards at once, as it was not true that one card won four times in each deal; however, the marquis, though he agreed with the rest, had said that he would not let me play like that again.

“I have only one objection to make to that—­namely, that if I wanted to play in the same way again he could only prevent me by fighting for it.”

“His mistress swears she will make you play in the usual way.”

I smiled, and thanked her for her information.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.