The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

When the rascal saw that I had taken up my position, he did not keep me waiting, for, getting up, he presented to my dazzled gaze, not only the secret treasures of his sweetheart, but his own also.  He was a small man, but where the lady was most concerned he was a Hercules, and the rogue seemed to make a parade of his proportions as if to excite my jealousy.  He turned his victim round so that I should see her under all aspects, and treated her manfully, while she appeared to respond to his ardour with all her might.  Phidias could not have modelled his Venus on a finer body; her form was rounded and voluptuous, and as white as Parian marble.  I was affected in a lively manner by the spectacle, and re-entered my lodging so inflamed that if my dear Dubois had not been at hand to quench my fire I should have been obliged to have extinguished it in the baths of La Mata.

When I had told her my tale she wanted to know the hero of it, and at noon she had that pleasure.  The young bookseller brought me some books I had ordered, and while paying him for them I gave him our bet and a Louis over and above as a mark of my satisfaction at his prowess.  He took it with a smile which seemed to shew that he thought I ought to think myself lucky to have lost.  My housekeeper looked at him for some time, and asked if he knew her; he said he did not.

“I saw you when you were a child,” said she.  “You are the son of M. Mignard, minister of the Gospel.  You must have been ten when I saw you.”

“Possibly, madam.”

“You did not care to follow your father’s profession, then?”

“No madam, I feel much more inclined to the worship of the creature than to that of the Creator, and I did not think my father’s profession would suit me.”

“You are right, for a minister of the Gospel ought to be discreet, and discretion is a restraint.”

This stroke made him blush, but we did not give him time to lose courage.  I asked him to dine with me, and without mentioning the name of Madame de la Saone he told his amorous adventures and numerous anecdotes about the pretty women of Berne.

After he had gone, my housekeeper said that once was quite enough to see a young man of his complexion.  I agreed with her, and had no more to do with him; but I heard that Madame de Saone took him to Paris and made his fortune.  Many fortunes are made in this manner, and there are some which originated still more nobly.  I only returned to Madame de la Saone to take my leave, as I shall shortly relate.

I was happy with my charmer, who told me again and again that with me she lived in bliss.  No fears or doubts as to the future troubled her mind; she was certain, as I was, that we should never leave each other; and she told me she would pardon all the infidelities I might be guilty of, provided I made full confession.  Hers, indeed, was a disposition with which to live in peace and content, but I was not born to enjoy such happiness.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.