The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.
to go in after you, and found you had left the door open.  He has assured me that he had no intentions in the way of carnal enjoyment, and I can well believe him.  He tells me he was on the point of crying for help, when you took hold of him and put your hand over his mouth; but he changed his plans on finding himself drawn gently to a couch and covered with kisses.  You plainly took him for somebody else, ‘and,’ said he, ’I did her a service which she has done ill to recompense in this fashion.’  He left you without saying a word as soon as the day began to dawn, his motive being fear of recognition.  It is easy to see that you took my servant for myself, for in the night, you know, all cats are grey, and I congratulate you on obtaining an enjoyment you certainly would not have had from me, as I should most surely have recognized you directly from your breath and your aged charms, and I can tell you it would have gone hard with you.  Luckily for you and for me, things happened otherwise.  I may tell you that the poor fellow is furious, and intends making you a visit, from which course I believe I have no right to dissuade him.  I advise you to hear him politely, and to be in a generous mood when he comes, as he is a determined fellow like all Spaniards, and if you do not treat him properly he will publish the matter, and you will have to take the consequences.  He will tell you himself what his terms are, and I daresay you will be wise enough to grant them.”

An hour after I had sent off this epistle I received a reply to my first letter.  She told me that my device was an ingenious one, but that it was no good, as she knew what she was talking about.  She defied me to shew her that I was healthy in the course of a few days.

While we were at supper, my dear Dubois tried her utmost to cheer me up, but all to no purpose; I was too much under the influence of strong emotion to yield to her high spirits.  We discussed the third step, which would put an apex to the scheme and cover the impudent woman with shame.  As I had written the two letters according to my housekeeper’s instructions, I determined to follow her advice to the end.  She told me what to say to Le Duc in the morning; and she was curious to know what sort of stuff he was made of, she begged me to let her listen behind the curtains of my bed.

Next morning Le Due came in, and I asked if he could ride on horseback to Soleure.

“Yes, sir,” he replied, “but the doctor tells me I must begin to bathe to-morrow.”

“Very good.  As soon as your horse is ready, set out and go to Madame F——­, but do not let her know you come from me, or suspect that you are a mere emissary of mine.  Say that you want to speak to her.  If she refuses to receive you, wait outside in the street; but I fancy she will receive you, and without a witness either.  Then say to her, ’You have given me my complaint without having been asked, and I require you to give me sufficient money to get myself cured.’ 

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.