The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

While I was strengthening myself in this resolution M.——­ came up to me and asked me kindly if I were ill; he was alarmed to see me pale and covered with drops of sweat.  “My wife,” said the worthy man, “is uneasy about you, and sent me to look after you.”  I told him I had to leave her on account of a sudden dizziness, but that I began to feel better.  “Let us rejoin her.”  Madame Dubois brought me a flask of strong waters, saying pleasantly that she was sure it was only the sudden departure of the widow that had put me out.

We continued our walk, and when we were far enough from the husband, who was with my housekeeper, I said I had been overcome by what she had said, but that it had doubtless been spoken jestingly.

“I was not jesting at all,” said she, with a sigh, “tell me what prevented your coming.”

Again I was struck dumb.  I could not make up my mind to tell her the story, and I did not know what to say to justify myself.  I was silent and confused when my housekeeper’s little servant came up and gave me a letter which the wretched widow had sent her by an express.  She had opened it, and found an enclosure addressed to me inside.  I put it in my pocket, saying I would read it at my leisure.  On Madame saying in joke that it was a love-letter, I could not laugh, and made no answer.  The servant came to tell us that dinner was served, but I could touch nothing.  My abstinence was put down to my being unwell.

I longed to read the letter, but I wished to be alone to do so, and that was a difficult matter to contrive.

Wishing to avoid the game of piquet which formed our usual afternoon’s amusement, I took a cup of coffee, and said that I thought the fresh air would do me good.  Madame seconded me, and guessing what I wanted she asked me to walk up and down with her in a sheltered alley in the garden.  I offered her my arm, her husband offered his to my housekeeper, and we went out.

As soon as my mistress saw that we were free from observation, she spoke as follows,—­

“I am sure that you spent the night with that malicious woman, and I am afraid of being compromised in consequence.  Tell me everything; confide in me without reserve; ’tis my first intrigue, and if it is to serve as a lesson you should conceal nothing from me.  I am sure you loved me once, tell me that you have not become my enemy.”

“Good heavens! what are you saying?  I your enemy!”

“Then tell me all, and before you read that wretched creature’s letter.  I adjure you in the name of love to hide nothing from me.”

“Well, divine creature, I will do as you bid me.  I came to your apartment at one o’clock, and as soon as I was in the second ante-chamber, I was taken by the arm, and a hand was placed upon my lips to impose silence; I thought I held you in my arms, and I laid you gently on the sofa.  You must remember that I felt absolutely certain it was you; indeed, I can scarcely doubt it even now.  I then passed with you, without a word being spoken, two of the most delicious hours I have ever experienced.  Cursed hours! of which the remembrance will torment me for the remainder of my days.  I left you at a quarter past three.  The rest is known to you.”

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.