The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,501 pages of information about The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova.

“You are very wise, sir,” said the general, “all the pleasures on earth should be sacrificed when it is a question of one’s health.”

I think so, too, now, but I thought differently then.

On the day of the ball, towards the evening, I set out in a post-chaise, disguised so that not a soul in Cologne could have recognized me, and provided with a box containing two dominoes; and on my arrival at Bonn I took a room and put on one of the dominoes, locking up the other in the box; and I then had myself carried to the ball in a sedan-chair.

I got in easily and unperceived, and recognized all the ladies of Cologne without their masks, and my mistress sitting at a faro-table risking a ducat.  I was glad to see in the banker, Count Verita of Verona, whom I had known in Bavaria.  He was in the Elector’s service.  His small bank did not contain more than five or six ducats, and the punters, men and women, were not more than twelve.  I took up a position by my mistress, and the banker asked me to cut.  I excused myself with a gesture, and my neighbour cut without being asked.  I put ten ducats on a single card, and lost four times running; I played at the second deal, and experienced the same fate.  At the third deal nobody would cut, and the general, who was standing by but not playing, agreed to do so.  I fancied his cutting would be lucky, and I put fifty ducats on one card.  I won.  I went ‘paroli’, and at the second deal I broke the bank.  Everybody was curious about me; I was stared at and followed, but seizing a favourable opportunity I made my escape.

I went to my room, took out my money, changed my costume, and returned to the ball.  I saw the table occupied by new gamesters, and another banker who seemed to have a good deal of gold, but not caring to play any more I had not brought much money with me.  I mingled in all the groups in the ballroom, and on all sides I heard expressions of curiosity about the mask who broke the first bank.

I did not care to satisfy the general curiosity, but made my way from one side of the room to the other till I found the object of my search talking to Count Verita, and as I drew near I found out that they were talking of me.  The count was saying that the Elector had been asking who had broken the bank, and that General Kettler had expressed his opinion that it was a Venetian who had been in Cologne for the last week.  My mistress answered that she did not think I was there, as she had heard me say that the state of my health would keep me at home.

“I know Casanova,” said the count, “and if he be at Bonn the Elector shall hear of it, and he shan’t go off without my seeing him.”  I saw that I might easily be discovered after the ball, but I defied the keenest eyes to penetrate beneath my present disguise.  I should have, no doubt, remained unknown, but when the quadrilles were being arranged I took my place in one, without reflecting that I should have to take off my mask.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.