Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 22: to London eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 22.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 22: to London eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 22.

“These words were such a shock to me that I turned the conversation, and spoke of other subjects for the remainder of my visit.  But when I got back to my house I pursued an extraordinary course.  I shut myself up in my closet and wrote a letter to the executioner of my unhappy father, the pitiless Oeiras, telling him the whole story, and imploring him to protect me and to speak to the king in my favour; ‘for,’ said I, ’as you have made me an orphan it is your duty before God to care for me.’  I begged him to shelter me from the anger of the Princess of Brazil, and to leave me at liberty to dispose of my hand according to my pleasure.

“Though I did not imagine Oeiras to be a humane man, yet I thought he must have some sort of a heart; besides, by this extraordinary step and the firmness of my language, I hoped to appeal to his pride and to interest him in my favour.  I felt sure that he would do me justice, if only to prove that he had not been unjust to my father.  I was right, as will be seen, and although I was but an inexperienced girl my instinct served me well.

“Two days elapsed before I was waited on by a messenger from Oeiras, who begged the honour of a private interview with me.  The messenger told me that the minister wished me to reply to all who pressed me to marry that I should not decide until I was assured that the princess desired the match.  The minister begged me to excuse his not answering my letter, but he had good reasons for not doing so.  The messenger assured me that I could count on his master’s support.

“His message delivered, the gentleman took leave with a profound bow, and went back without waiting for an answer.  I must confess that the young man’s looks had made a great impression on me.  I cannot describe my feelings, but they have exerted great influence on my conduct, and will no doubt continue to do so for the rest of my life.

“This message put me quite at ease, for he would never have given me the instructions he did without being perfectly sure that the princess would not interfere any farther with my marriage; and so I gave myself up entirely to the new sentiments which possessed my heart.  Though strong, the flame would no doubt soon have died down if it had not received fresh fuel every day, for when I saw the young messenger a week later in church I scarcely recognized him.  From that moment, however, I met him everywhere; out walking, in the theatre, in the houses where I called, and especially when I was getting in or out of my carriage he was ever beside me, ready to offer his hand; and I got so used to his presence that when I missed his face I felt a void at my heart that made me unhappy.

“Almost every day I saw the two Counts Fl——­ at my great-aunt’s, but as there was no longer any engagement between us their presence neither joyed me nor grieved me.  I had forgiven them but I was not happy.  The image of the young messenger, of whom I knew nothing, was ever before me, and I blushed at my thoughts though I would not ask myself the reasons.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 22: to London from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.