Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 17: Return to Italy eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 113 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 17.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 17: Return to Italy eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 113 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 17.
known him, and in fact I soon recognized him as the Abbe Gama, whom I had left at Rome seventeen years before with Cardinal Acquaviva; but I pretended not to recognize him, and indeed he had aged greatly.  This gallant priest had eyes for no one but Therese, and he was too busy with saying a thousand soft nothings to her to take notice of anybody else in the company.  I hoped that in his turn he would either not recognize me or pretend not to do so, so I was continuing my trifling talk with the Corticelli, when Therese told me that the abbe wanted to know whether I did not recollect him.  I looked at his face attentively, and with the air of a man who is trying to recollect something, and then I rose and asked if he were not the Abbe Gama, with whose acquaintance I was honoured.

“The same,” said he, rising, and placing his arms round my neck he kissed me again and again.  This was in perfect agreement with his crafty character; the reader will not have forgotten the portrait of him contained in the first volume of these Memoirs.

After the ice had been thus broken it will be imagined that we had a long conversation.  He spoke of Barbaruccia, of the fair Marchioness G——­, of Cardinal S——­ C——­, and told me how he had passed from the Spanish to the Portuguese service, in which he still continued.  I was enjoying his talk about numerous subjects which had interested me in my early youth, when an unexpected sight absorbed all my thinking faculties.  A young man of fifteen or sixteen, as well grown as Italians usually are at that age, came into the room, saluted the company with easy grace, and kissed Therese.  I was the only person who did not know him, but I was not the only one who looked surprised.  The daring Therese introduced him to me with perfect coolness with the words:—­

“That is my brother.”

I greeted him as warmly as I could, but my manner was slightly confused, as I had not had time to recover my composure.  This so-called brother of Therese was my living image, though his complexion was rather clearer than mine.  I saw at once that he was my son; nature had never been so indiscreet as in the amazing likeness between us.  This, then, was the surprise of which Therese had spoken; she had devised the pleasure of seeing me at once astounded and delighted, for she knew that my heart would be touched at the thought of having left her such a pledge of our mutual love.  I had not the slightest foreknowledge in the matter, for Therese had never alluded to her being with child in her letters.  I thought, however, that she should not have brought about this meeting in the presence of a third party, for everyone has eyes in their head, and anyone with eyes must have seen that the young man was either my son or my brother.  I glanced at her, but she avoided meeting my eye, while the pretended brother was looking at me so attentively that he did not hear what was said to him.  As to the others, they did nothing but look first at me and then at him, and if they came to the conclusion that he was my son they would be obliged to suppose that I had been the lover of Therese’s mother, if she were really his sister, for taking into consideration the age she looked and gave herself out to be she could not possibly be his mother.  It was equally impossible that I could be Therese’s father, as I did not look any older than she did.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 17: Return to Italy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.