Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 14: Switzerland eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 14.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 14: Switzerland eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 14.

I went to his house at the time appointed, and found all his servants in full livery, which I looked upon as a happy omen.  My name was not announced, and I remarked that when I came in both sides of the door were opened for me by the page.  A fine old man came forward to meet me, and paying me many well-turned compliments introduced me to those present.  Then, with the delicate tact of the courtier, pretending not to recollect my name, he drew the Duc de Choiseul’s letter from his pocket, and read aloud the paragraph in which the minister desired him to treat me with the utmost consideration.  He made me sit on an easy chair at his right hand, and asked me questions to which I could only answer that I was travelling for my pleasure, and that I considered the Swiss nation to be in many respects superior to all other nations whatsoever.

Dinner was served, and his excellency set me on his right hand in a position of equal honour to his own.  We were sixteen in company, and behind every chair stood a magnificent lackey in the ambassador’s livery.  In the course of conversation I got an opportunity of telling the ambassador that he was still spoken of at Venice with the utmost affection.

“I shall always remember,” he said, “the kindness with which the Venetians treated me; but tell me, I beg, the names of those gentlemen who still remember me; they must be quite old now.”

This was what I was waiting for.  M. de Malipiero had told me of certain events which had happened during the regency, and M. de Bragadin had informed me of the ambassador’s amours with the celebrated Stringhetta.

His excellency’s fare was perfect, but in the pleasure of conversing I forgot that of eating.  I told all my anecdotes so racily that his features expressed the pleasure I was affording him, and when we rose from the table he shook me by the hand, and told me he had not had so agreeable a dinner since he had been at Soleure.

“The recollection of my Venetian gallantries,” said the worthy old man, “makes me recall many a happy moment; I feel quite young again.”

He embraced me, and bade me consider myself as one of his family during my stay at Soleure.

After dinner he talked a good deal about Venice, praising the Government, and saying that there was not a town in the world where a man could fare better, provided he took care to get good oil and foreign wines.  About five o’clock he asked me to come for a drive with him, getting into the carriage first to give me the best place.

We got out at a pretty country house where ices were served to us.  On our way back he said that he had a large party every evening, and that he hoped I would do him the honour to be present whenever it suited my inclinations, assuring me that he would do his best to amuse me.  I was impatient to take part in the assembly, as I felt certain I should see my charmer there.  It was a vain hope, however, for I saw several ladies, some old and ugly, some passable, but not one pretty.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 14: Switzerland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.