Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 10: under the Leads eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 10.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 10: under the Leads eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 10.

After looking about me for some time I told the monk to stay still till I came back, and I set out, my pike in my hand, sitting astride the roof and moving along without any difficulty.  For nearly an hour I went to this side and that, keeping a sharp look-out, but in vain; for I could see nothing to which the rope could be fastened, and I was in the greatest perplexity as to what was to be done.  It was of no use thinking of getting down on the canal side or by the court of the palace, and the church offered only precipices which led to nothing.  To get to the other side of the church towards the Canonica, I should have had to climb roofs so steep that I saw no prospect of success.  The situation called for hardihood, but not the smallest piece of rashness.

It was necessary, however, either to escape, or to reenter the prison, perhaps never again to leave it, or to throw myself into the canal.  In such a dilemma it was necessary to leave a good deal to chance, and to make a start of some kind.  My eye caught a window on the canal sides, and two-thirds of the distance from the gutter to the summit of the roof.  It was a good distance from the spot I had set out from, so I concluded that the garret lighted by it did not form part of the prison I had just broken.  It could only light a loft, inhabited or uninhabited, above some rooms in the palace, the doors of which would probably be opened by day-break.  I was morally sure that if the palace servants saw us they would help us to escape, and not deliver us over to the Inquisitors, even if they recognized us as criminals of the deepest dye; so heartily was the State Inquisition hated by everyone.

It was thus necessary for me to get in front of the window, and letting myself slide softly down in a straight line I soon found myself astride on top of the dormer-roof.  Then grasping the sides I stretched my head over, and succeeded in seeing and touching a small grating, behind which was a window of square panes of glass joined with thin strips of lead.  I did not trouble myself about the window, but the grating, small as it was, appeared an insurmountable difficulty, failing a file, and I had only my pike.

I was thoroughly perplexed, and was beginning to lose courage, when an incident of the simplest and most natural kind came to my aid and fortified my resolution.

Philosophic reader, if you will place yourself for a moment in my position, if you will share the sufferings which for fifteen months had been my lot, if you think of my danger on the top of a roof, where the slightest step in a wrong direction would have cost me my life, if you consider the few hours at my disposal to overcome difficulties which might spring up at any moment, the candid confession I am about to make will not lower me in your esteem; at any rate, if you do not forget that a man in an anxious and dangerous position is in reality only half himself.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 10: under the Leads from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.