Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04.

We went out all three together, and a gondola carried us in a few minutes to the place where I was guarding a treasure more precious than the golden apples of the Hesperides.  But, alas!  I was on the point of losing that treasure, the remembrance of which causes me, even now, a delicious trembling.

I preceded my two companions in order to prepare my lovely young friend for the visit, and when I told her that, according to my arrangements, her father would not see her till on the following day: 

“Ah!” she exclaimed with the accent of true happiness, “then we can spend a few more hours together!  Go, dearest, go and bring my brother.”

I returned with my companions, but how can I paint that truly dramatic situation?  Oh! how inferior art must ever be to nature!  The fraternal love, the delight beaming upon those two beautiful faces, with a slight shade of confusion on that of the sister, the pure joy shining in the midst of their tender caresses, the most eloquent exclamations followed by a still more eloquent silence, their loving looks which seem like flashes of lightning in the midst of a dew of tears, a thought of politeness which brings blushes on her countenance, when she recollects that she has forgotten her duty towards a nobleman whom she sees for the first time, and finally there was my part, not a speaking one, but yet the most important of all.  The whole formed a living picture to which the most skilful painter could not have rendered full justice.

We sat down at last, the young countess between her brother and M. Barbaro, on the sofa, I, opposite to her, on a low foot-stool.

“To whom, dear sister, are we indebted for the happiness of having found you again?”

“To my guardian angel,” she answered, giving me her hand, “to this generous man who was waiting for me, as if Heaven had sent him with the special mission of watching over your sister; it is he who has saved me, who has prevented me from falling into the gulf which yawned under my feet, who has rescued me from the shame threatening me, of which I had then no conception; it is to him I am indebted for all, to him who, as you see, kisses my hand now for the first time.”

And she pressed her handkerchief to her beautiful eyes to dry her tears, but ours were flowing at the same time.

Such is true virtue, which never loses its nobleness, even when modesty compels it to utter some innocent falsehood.  But the charming girl had no idea of being guilty of an untruth.  It was a pure, virtuous soul which was then speaking through her lips, and she allowed it to speak.  Her virtue seemed to whisper to her that, in spite of her errors, it had never deserted her.  A young girl who gives way to a real feeling of love cannot be guilty of a crime, or be exposed to remorse.

Towards the end of our friendly visit, she said that she longed to throw herself at her father’s feet, but that she wished to see him only in the evening, so as not to give any opportunity to the gossips of the place, and it was agreed that the meeting, which was to be the last scene of the drama, should take place the next day towards the evening.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.