Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04.

On the third day, towards the end of the dancing, an hour before day-break, feeling tired, I left the orchestra abruptly; and as I was going down the stairs I observed a senator, wearing his red robes, on the point of getting into a gondola.  In taking his handkerchief out of his pocket he let a letter drop on the ground.  I picked it up, and coming up to him just as he was going down the steps I handed it to him.  He received it with many thanks, and enquired where I lived.  I told him, and he insisted upon my coming with him in the gondola saying that he would leave me at my house.  I accepted gratefully, and sat down near him.  A few minutes afterwards he asked me to rub his left arm, which, he said, was so benumbed that he could not feel it.  I rubbed it with all my strength, but he told me in a sort of indistinct whisper that the numbness was spreading all along the left side, and that he was dying.

I was greatly frightened; I opened the curtain, took the lantern, and found him almost insensible, and the mouth drawn on one side.  I understood that he was seized with an apoplectic stroke, and called out to the gondoliers to land me at once, in order to procure a surgeon to bleed the patient.

I jumped out of the gondola, and found myself on the very spot where three years before I had taught Razetta such a forcible lesson; I enquired for a surgeon at the first coffee-house, and ran to the house that was pointed out to me.  I knocked as hard as I could; the door was at last opened, and I made the surgeon follow me in his dressing-gown as far as the gondola, which was waiting; he bled the senator while I was tearing my shirt to make the compress and the bandage.

The operation being performed, I ordered the gondoliers to row as fast as possible, and we soon reached St. Marina; the servants were roused up, and taking the sick man out of the gondola we carried him to his bed almost dead.

Taking everything upon myself, I ordered a servant to hurry out for a physician, who came in a short time, and ordered the patient to be bled again, thus approving the first bleeding prescribed by me.  Thinking I had a right to watch the sick man, I settled myself near his bed to give him every care he required.

An hour later, two noblemen, friends of the senator, came in, one a few minutes after the other.  They were in despair; they had enquired about the accident from the gondoliers, and having been told that I knew more than they did, they loaded me with questions which I answered.  They did not know who I was, and did not like to ask me; whilst I thought it better to preserve a modest silence.

The patient did not move; his breathing alone shewed that he was still alive; fomentations were constantly applied, and the priest who had been sent for, and was of very little use under such circumstances, seemed to be there only to see him die.  All visitors were sent away by my advice, and the two noblemen and myself were the only persons in the sick man’s room.  At noon we partook silently of some dinner which was served in the sick room.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.