Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01.
almost to madness, but my surprise was indeed great when, at the breakfast table, she asked me whether I would let her dress me up as a girl to accompany her five or six days later to a ball for which a neighbour of ours, Doctor Olivo, had sent letters of invitation.  Everybody having seconded the motion, I gave my consent.  I thought this arrangement would afford a favourable opportunity for an explanation, for mutual vindication, and would open a door for the most complete reconciliation, without fear of any surprise arising from the proverbial weakness of the flesh.  But a most unexpected circumstance prevented our attending the ball, and brought forth a comedy with a truly tragic turn.

Doctor Gozzi’s godfather, a man advanced in age, and in easy circumstances, residing in the country, thought himself, after a severe illness, very near his end, and sent to the doctor a carriage with a request to come to him at once with his father, as he wished them to be present at his death, and to pray for his departing soul.  The old shoemaker drained a bottle, donned his Sunday clothes, and went off with his son.

I thought this a favourable opportunity and determined to improve it, considering that the night of the ball was too remote to suit my impatience.  I therefore managed to tell Bettina that I would leave ajar the door of my room, and that I would wait for her as soon as everyone in the house had gone to bed.  She promised to come.  She slept on the ground floor in a small closet divided only by a partition from her father’s chamber; the doctor being away, I was alone in the large room.  The three boarders had their apartment in a different part of the house, and I had therefore no mishap to fear.  I was delighted at the idea that I had at last reached the moment so ardently desired.

The instant I was in my room I bolted my door and opened the one leading to the passage, so that Bettina should have only to push it in order to come in; I then put my light out, but did not undress.  When we read of such situations in a romance we think they are exaggerated; they are not so, and the passage in which Ariosto represents Roger waiting for Alcine is a beautiful picture painted from nature.

Until midnight I waited without feeling much anxiety; but I heard the clock strike two, three, four o’clock in the morning without seeing Bettina; my blood began to boil, and I was soon in a state of furious rage.  It was snowing hard, but I shook from passion more than from cold.  One hour before day-break, unable to master any longer my impatience, I made up my mind to go downstairs with bare feet, so as not to wake the dog, and to place myself at the bottom of the stairs within a yard of Bettina’s door, which ought to have been opened if she had gone out of her room.  I reached the door; it was closed, and as it could be locked only from inside I imagined that Bettina had fallen asleep.  I was on the point of knocking at the door, but was prevented by fear

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.